Saturday, October 31, 2009

Swedish Halloween tradition

It's a Swedish tradition to light up ancestors' grave on Halloween. Pingu and Pinga went to see lights at the cemetery. There were lots of candles and lanterns lit at many of the relatively new graves.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pinga pillow

Pingu and Pinga were watching a movie "King Arthur." I was using Pinga's leg as a pillow and sleeping. Zzz...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Katamari Forever

Pingu got this game for Pinga. It's the third episode of her favourite game. By the way, it's my tail that Pingu has captured.

Hamburg for dinner

Pinga made hamburg with tomato sauce and Pingu made mashed potato.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pet meeee!

Pinga was in front of her computer and didn't pet me so I decided to jump on to her desk. Since she couldn't reach her keyboard with me in between, she took me to her lap. I'm happy to get petted.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin carving

Pingu was home alone while Pinga was out this weekend doing team buidling activities with her company. Pingu went to visit a friend for Good Bad movie night but before watching they carved pumpkins. Pingu carved the one on the right. They turned out nice, right? Pingu ate too much candy but else it was lots of fun.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lots of cooking

Pinga and her colleagues were making dinner together. There were 5 teams and Pinga's team was in charge of making one of the main courses, baby back ribs. This photo shows deer (hjort in Swedish) meet and sauce to it. it became so much food and lots of dishes to wash afterwords. All of the dishes turned out to be very tasty!

Gärsnäs Castle

Pinga took a photo from one of the windows at the Gärsnäs castle. The castle didn't look so big from outside but she found it very spacious with many many rooms inside.


After the tour of Glimmingehus, Pinga and colleagues came back to the castle they were staying and cooked Krabbelurer. It was initially planned as an outside activity but it was too rainy and cold to be out. It's like American pancake. Some of them turned out to be well but some of them got a bit burnt. They ate them with jam and whipped cream. It became their late lunch.

Guided tour

It's the entrance of the house with our guide person in a medieval costume. She was fun, enthusiastic and knowledgeable.


Pinga went to a medieval house built by a Danish noble man at the beginning of 16th century. Guided tour was very interesting with the stories of that time.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dinner at a castle

Pinga is at a castle with her colleagues having nice home made dinner. Pinga's bosses made them It was a pheasant (きじ) with mushroom sauce and asparagus and potatoes to the side.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

In the closet

Pinga was organising her clothes and I was curious what's in there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Package from Tokyo

Pingu and Pinga received a package from their family in Japan. They became very happy!

Aroma and Mutsu

Pinga got these nice apples from her colleague. He went to Kivik this weekend. Aroma, to the left, can be eaten now but Mutsu needs to be ripened a bit. Mutsu is Pinga's favourite apple.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fallen leaves

It's end me autumn here in Lund. Trees are turning yellow, orange or red.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dinner and robo rally game

Pingu and Pinga had friends over for dinner. After eating they played a board game. I enjoyed getting petted on the sofa.

Sailor's beef=Sjömansbiff

Pingu tried a new dish for the guests today. It's called sailor's beef. Pingu was happy to get good reviews from the guests.


Pinga prepared appetiser and it was well received.

Cat grass for me

Pingu bought a special treat for me today. It's cat grass. Mmm... tasty!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meatballs at IKEA

Pingu and Pinga went to Ikea after work. Since it will move to Malmö south soon, there were not many things displayed there.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pizza lunch

Pinga and Pingu went to have pizza for lunch with their colleague. It was tasty.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mini kitchen appliance

Pinga found this mini kitchen tool at her friends' home.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peeling chestnuts

Pinga really likes chestnuts and she has roasted them again today.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Roasted chestnuts

Pinga just took these chestnuts out of the oven. Roasted at home, Pinga is good at making treats.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meatball dinner

This is what Pingu and Pinga had for dinner tonight. Pingu mashed the potatoes by hand. I am impressed!


Pinga is frying up some meatballs for dinner. One escaped and Pingu gave it to me. I must admit that the smell is intriguing but I am not hungry for them.