Friday, April 30, 2010

Afternoon nap

Momo-chan has been having tough time getting a good sleep these days. As you can see, he slept well on Pinga's chest this afternoon. Well, I have no problem sleeping but it's a different story when Momo-chan screams...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

19 degrees C!

Spring has come! It was cloudy but warm today. Pingu and Pinga went for a walk with Momo-chan and enjoyed the green that is spreading. Pinga brought a jacket but soon took it off. These blue flowers are also popping up and it is a nice color.


Pinga thinks it's sakura but she is not 100% sure. It's beautiful anyways.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ultrasound again

Momo-chan went to the hospital for ultrasound check up for the second time. He looks happy in this photo because it's before the session. He was ok at the beginning but at the end, he was crying. He does not like the cold gel they use for the ultrasound. It made him poo...

Monday, April 26, 2010

New grip for Momo-chan

Pingu and Pinga learned a new way for holding Momo-chan so he is resting on his stomach. Momo-chan seems to like it.

Beef asparagus roll

Pinga made tasty asparagus rolls today. This time with beef wrapped around.

Sharing blanket with Pingu

Momo-chan fell asleep with Pingu under the same blanket. They are cute together don't you think?

Friday, April 23, 2010

First bus ride

Momo-chan was on the bus for the first time. Pinga and Momo-chan went to downtown to have lunch with Pinga's friend. To Pinga's relief, Momo-chan was quiet both ways.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Momo-chan takes a bath

Momo-chan has been bathing several times this week. First time he was screaming a lot but the last two he has been enjoying it we think.

Pingu dad visits

Pingu dad came and visited us this past week. He was very nice and took care of us making dinner and also baked bread. The first batch bread became a bit flat but they were tasty.

Nice gifts from Pingu colleagues

Pingu received nice gifts from his coworkers when he came back to work last week. Pooh bear is cute!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sleeping? Thinking?

I was sleeping on the sofa and so was Momo-chan. He looked serious while sleeping. What are you dreaming of Momo-chan?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Loud neighbor moves out!

Pingu and Pinga has been annoyed for one year now by a very noisy and inconsiderate neighbor. Well he has now moved out! What a wonderful day!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday afternoon

We had friends over for afternoon tea so I was hiding. I came to the sofa after they left. Momo-chan was sleeping as usual so I joined him.

Friday, April 16, 2010

In the afternoon

Momo-chan and I usually sleep together on the sofa in the afternoon. But today he was awake for almost 3 hours.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I scream for ice cream

Momo-chan became three weeks old today. It was sunny and a good ice cream day. It's a photo from this Monday. While Pingu and Pinga were eating ice cream, Momo-chan was screaming from the baby stroller.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

UCLA presents!

Momo-chan got a package from Pinga's friend in USA today! It was nice UCLA themed toys. Lucky Momo-chan!


Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan went for a walk yesterday. It was quite nice and sunny. They saw trees blooming and also some butterflies. Let's hope spring warmth is here to stay.

Pingu is looking after sleepy Momo-chan

Momo-chan is rid of his cold now which is great. He is also more awake and active during the day and night. After eating Momo-chan often falls asleep (actually many times while eating). He sleeps rather light so to avoid waking him up Pinga lets him stay on the feeding pillow and puts Pingu in the middle so Momo-chan does not slip into the middle. Looks like Pingu is doing a good job of taking care of Momo-chan, right?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Guarded by another cat

Momo-chan was sleeping today on the couch under the supervision of a stuffed toy cat. I would not dare be so close myself but I do not react so much any longer when Momo-chan cries.

Testing a Manduca baby carrier

Today Pingu tested carrying Momo-chan in an ergonomic baby carrier made by Manduca. It seems to work well and most likely Pingu and Pinga will get one for Momo-chan. This brown one they have borrowed from friends.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Almost a smile

Momo-chan is sleeping a lot and when he is not he looks very serious. This morning he actually looked happy.

Taking a walk

Pingu and Pinga had a visit from their friend with his son. They went out walking together and I was not allowed to come with.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eyes wide Momo-chan

Although he still has a cold, he was awake for a long time today. I still do not dare go close to him...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter egg hunt

Pinga was sneaky and hid an easter egg filled with candy from Pingu while he was napping with Momo-chan. Pingu then had to search for it. He found it after a while. The egg on the right was given by nice friends that they met on their walk earlier today.

Baby stroller debut

Today was Momo-chan's first walk outside in the stroller. Pingu and Pinga went for kind of a long walk but Momo-chan slept almost all the way. It is nice and sunny but a bit windy today.

We have something in common

I was sleeping on the couch yesterday and so was Momo-chan. Do you know that I am more than twice his weight?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Momo-chan manicure

Momo-chan has fast growing nails so today it was time for some manicure. I wish Pingu and Pinga used nail file instead of those nail cutters on me too.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flowers and teddy bear!

I am quite jealuous. Momo-chan keeps getting more and more flowers. This cute parent-child flower set including a cuddly teddy bear is from Pinga's company.

Momo-chan's first home visit

Today Momo-chan got a home visit by a Pingu and Pinga friend. He brought present and snacks from his family. How nice! No cat candy though...