Monday, August 30, 2010

5 months check-up

Momo-chan went to 5 months check-up at the health center today. He turned out to be 7,575g and 68cm. He grows fast and now he weighs almost the same as me. This is Momo-chan and clothes that are size 74cm. Very soon he will start using them.

Momochan and me

It's usually me who is looking at Momo-chan but today, it was the other way around. He was looking at me while I was eating my glass. Well Momo-chan, the glass is tasty but don't even think about trying it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blackberry = Björnbär

Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan visited their friends. They were treated for diner, cake, and also for these blackberries. They were big and sweet. Pinga was surprised to hear that they are not from a shop but someone's garden. Momo-chan was curious but he couldn't eat it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

On the way home

Pingu has ordered a taxi specially with a baby seat and Momo-chan enjoyed it. He was looking out from the window almost all the way. I want to come back home too!

Last day in Prague

It was their last day in Prague. They went to the Museum of Decorative Arts. The building behind Pingu is called Rudolfinum. It is across the street from the museum and is a Neo-Renaissance building, now the seat of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Momo-chan 5 months today!

Momo-chan turned 5 months today! He slept a lot while Pingu and Pinga walked around in Prague. Pinga found a shop that sells very tasty macarons earlier and now she revisited and bought a lot of them. Here are 5 of them on a plate to signify 5 month birthday.

U Pinkasu

Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan went to one of the famous beer halls today. It is called U Pinkasu. Momo-chan didn't get to drink any beer but mother's milk tastes best for him anyway.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

View from Vysehrad

After a long walk in the hot weather and after climbing a lot of stairs with the baby stroller they finally reached the park/fort of Vysehrad. There is quite a nice view from there don't you think?

Dancing house

Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan went walking along the Voltava river today. Along the way they came across this interesting house. It is built to look like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers from singing in the rain.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Visiting friends

Pingu and Pinga's friends' son is one year older than Momo-chan. He was curious about Momo-chan.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Parents group

Momo-chan met 5 other babies this afternoon at the first meeting of the parents group. It's a meeting for parents that had babies in March, April or May. There were three other babies that were born in March.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The thinker

This is Momo-chan resting just after turning from his back to his stomach. He got a little help from Pingu but he could turn!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Momo-chan and me

Momo-chan was training his neck. It seems like he does not try to turn. I couldn't stay close to him for a long time as he moves a lot and makes interesting sound.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Castle restaurant

This is Momo-chan looking at Pinga and Pingu's food at the castle restaurant. As they were there with Pinga mom, they were thinking of her. They could not walk in the garden as it was raining all evening.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Avocado maguro bowl アボカド鮪丼

Pinga made an avocado maguro rice bowl for dinner. It's one of the Pingu's favourite dishes. I wonder Momo-chan will like it as well.


It was cloudy but Pinga and Momo-chan went out for a walk. They saw sheep.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Red currant and apple crumble

Momo-chan seems to be hungry too but he is more interested in Pingu's finger than the pie Pinga baked.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Arild again

Pingu and Pinga left me at home and visited their friends in Arild. Pinga was playing with this boy and captured this view. He was saying "Boats!" and looking down to the harbour.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tomato basil olive bread

While Momo-chan was training his neck muscle, Pingu and Pinga tried the bread they bought yesterday. It was ok but they thought olive bread tasted a bit better.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Olof Viktors

The purple monster is a gift Momo-chan received today which he seems to like it a lot. Other stuff are from the bakery Olof Viktors. Pingu likes this cardamom roll and Pinga wanted to try the chocolate pistachio rusk. They also decided to try the tomato basil olive bread in the middle.

Lemon meringue pie

Momo-chan didn't seem to be interested but they shared a lemon meringue pie and it was very tasty.

Bakery café

Pingu, Pinga and their friend drove to a bakery café outside of Ystad. It's popular and there was a long queue but the food was worth waiting for.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Home sweet home

I was out for a whole day as I slipped my collar while I took a walk with Pinga last night. Pinga came to get me with Momo-chan and now I am at home with them.
I was in Momo-chan's bed before him and Pinga put him afterward. I stayed there a bit but jumped out as I feared he could stretch his legs and kick me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sushi dinner

Pinga invited her friends over for sushi. She made a lot of them. She was happy to receive positive feedback from them.

Three babies

Momo-chan met two other babies today. They are 5 months old and 6 months old. So Momo-chan was the youngest but he was as big as the 5 months old baby in the middle.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can I use it too?

Momo-chan's present turned out to be a very cute blanket with many Pingu faces on it. I need a blanket to lie on too!

Present for Momo-chan

We had friends over for dinner and they brought a present for Momo-chan. It looked as big as Momo-chan!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Increased volume Momo-chan

Momo-chan not only talks a lot these days but the volume of his voice is increasing. I got surprised by him talking loud today.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Playing together

Momo-chan had fun playing with her this afternoon. She has a younger sister and she is very good at playing with a small baby like Momo-chan.

Momo-chan turning: Part 2

Here is the latter half of Momo-chan turning. Looks like a lot of work for him to turn from his stomach to his back.

Momo-chan turning: Part 1

Momo-chan was practicing turning today as well. It's the first part of turning.