Monday, February 28, 2011

Momo-chan in good mood

Momo-chan is in a good mood and is laughing at the dancing tiger that Pingu is moving around.

Momo-chan's second tooth!

Pingu heard a strange sound from Momo-chan. It sounded like teeth grinding. Aha, then there must be more than one tooth and there it was!

Friday, February 25, 2011

11 months old Momo-chan

Momo-chan with another baby. He became 11 months old today. He was on his stomach and moving around the room a bit.

Baby gathering

There was mothers and babies afternoon tea at one of the Pinga's friends place. Momo-chan met 4 other babies there. This baby girl was very curious about Momo-chan's hair and patting his head.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Small, smaller smallest

While out walking Pingu and Momo-chan came across these horses and ponies. Those ponies sure are small!

Watching the day go by

Pingu was out walking with Momo-chan when he saw this cat in a window. It was quite cold and windy outside so this must be a nice position to be in.

Screaming a bit louder

Momo-chan is getting louder these days. He is also enjoying to lay on his stomach and practice pushing himself backwards.

Digging in the drawers

Momo-chan was sitting on the hallway rug and opened the bottom drawer. Maybe it is not so safe for me any longer. It is good that I have some spots up high where I can sleep and hide.

Rockstar Momo-chan

Pingu found a pair of sunglasses for kids today. Momo-chan tried them on and posed nicely.

Watching the oven

Momo-chan was practicing standing up while watching Lasagna being cooked in the oven. He even tasted it later and liked it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cold and snowy

Pinga went back to bike commute since this Monday and the weather has been not suitable for biking. Very cold, -5C degrees or so, and snowy. Hope the spring comes soon!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Walking in the nature 散歩

It's cold these days. When Pinga and Momo-han went out this morning, it was minus 6C degrees. They went out with Pinga's friend and her daughter. Although it was cold, it was sunny and not so windy so quite an ok weather for a walk. They walked together about 2,5 hours.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pinga tonkatsu dinner

Pingu and Pinga finished off the evening with some nice tonkatsu dinner. It was very tasty, thank you Pinga!

Pingu semla project part 2

Here is the finished semla with powdered sugar on top and with almond paste and whipped cream in between. Pinga liked them a lot. Success!

Pingu semla project part 1

Pingu and Pinga had some friends over today for coffee and cake so Pingu decided to bake semlor. This photo is of the buns just out of the oven.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Garlic marinated ribs

Pinga did her nice garlic ribs tonight. Sometimes ribs can be rather skimpy on the meat but these were generous on the meat and at a good price too.

Crawling backwards?

Momo-chan has a strong will to move around now. I am scared and even peed on Momo-chan's blanket. Pingu and Pinga was not happy about that. In the video you can see how Momo-chan is actually crawling or pushing himself backwards.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Almost crawling

Momo-chan is getting q bit frustrated by not being able to move around. He can spin around and he is also moving forward by rocking back and forth. He is also getting in a crawl like position. Maybe soon he will start to hunt me, scary!

From Pingu: Happy Valentine's day!

Pingu made a special smell with a heart and got Pinga heart shaped chocolates for Valentine's day. Momo-chan wanted to have some as well or at least play with the boxes.

IKEA toy

Momo-chan likes this wooden toy from IKEA quite a lot. He can even move the wooden pieces along the wire. Even more fun is to rock it back and forth and bang it on the floor.

From Pinga: Happy Valentine's day!

Pinga got Pingu this cute card and these nice cupcakes. The cupcakes were bought from a macaroon bakery here in Lund.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Taking a walk

As Pingu was vacuum cleaning the apartment, Pinga took momo-chan for a walk. There were horses with their coats. I wish Pinga could take me out as well as the vacuum cleaner made scary noise and I was running away from it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ice cream in minus degrees

As it was nice and sunny Pingu and Pinga went to have ice cream in town. They noticed that they got more ice cream than in summer time. As Momo-chan was restless, they started walking with the ice cream. It was tasty but Pinga became very cold and almost lost senses for her fingers.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Momo-chan is curious about almost anything. Today he was reaching out for a pizza so Pingu gave him a little piece of pizza but it seemed like he didn't like it much. He also ate some beans from their salad.

My usual day

As I haven't peed on their bed for a while, Pingu and Pinga let me go into their bedroom even in the day time. So I usually lie on their bed or lie on the cushion in Momo-chan's room.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Momo-chan was quite interested in trying out the Nordic pastry: semla. He can not try it because it is too sweet but he did not mind reaching for it.

Pulling Pinga's scarf

Momo-chan likes to reach for everything. The other day Momo-chan caught hold of Pinga's scarf. Nice catch!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Morrissey and Momo-chan

Here is Momo-chan and Morrissey lying close together. Momo-chan likes to pinch people these days so Pinga made sure he didn't do that to Morrissey.

Cat knit hat

Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan went to visit their friend with this gift for their baby girl. They have two cats and thought it would be perfect for them. She looks very cute in it. One of the cats, Morrissey, is very baby friendly and when the baby cried he ran to her to check how she was. Hmm I would run to the other direction from Momo-chan when he cries...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Close encounter

Momo-chan was visiting one of the homes that are in the parents group and they have two cats and a dog. Here is a dog that is very curious of Momo-chan.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Orient grill

Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan visited Malmö this weekend together with a friend. They went to do some shopping and bought 10 kilo Japanese rice among other things. They had a late lunch at Orient Grill which has some very tasty chicken dishes which they ate with lots of garlic. They were all so full they felt they could roll all the way back to Lund. No dinner needed that day.

Reading Momo-chan

Momo-chan got a book from the mom of the Dinosaurus kid. Momo-chan likes it and started by tearing off the cover which was also lots of fun.

Momo-chan drumming

Momo-chan likes to play with these wooden kitchen tools.He enjoys the sound of banging them together. As long as he does not try to hit me i guess I am OK with it.