Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baking project

Pinga baked those musli raisin chocolate chip cookies. Hmmm it smells very nice in the kitchen.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ice cream break

As it was nice and sunny, Pingu and Momo-chan took a walk and visited
Pinga at work. Momo-chan was curious about ice creams.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Momo-chan was looked after by Pingu and Pinga's friend this afternoon. He's very nice and invited them for dinner. There he got these tasty melons. Momo-chan seems to have liked them and ate a lot.


This will be Momo-chan's room!

Time to paint

Put the covers on the shoes and ready to paint!

Birthday girl

And here's the birthday girl. She started to stand up and walk few steps this week!

Birthday party

Momo-chan's friend turned one year old. These cute sandwiches were for older kids that were invited. There were 10 kids and babies in total.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Momo-chan exploring

Momo-chan's toys are all over the living room and Momo-chan I'd everywhere these days. Momo-chan likes to open drawers as you can see.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wooden floor polished!

The beech wood floor in the living room was rather tired looking so Pinga and Pinga had a company come polish and put coats of varnish on it. Now it looks very nice don't you think? I can't wait to put my paws on it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Momo-chan caos

Momo-chan fell asleep but as you can see, after Momo-chan playing the living room is a total mess.


Painting takes a lot of preparation and time. Pingu painted until 3am last night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wall painting

Pingu has painted most of the living room walls. The wall right-hand side of Pingu has not been painted. You can see the difference. Good job Pingu! But it's the first layer and the second layer will be painted over it to complete it.

Almost standing

It seems like Momo-chan will be able to stand up soon. Then he can chase me even faster. Oh no...

Kitchen wall

Kitchen needs even more work than other rooms as it has wallpaper around. This is Pingu ripping the wallpaper off the wall.

House renovation

This is Pingu standing in front of the very pink wall. Ceilings has been painted and next I'd walls. Before painting there are a lot of masking to do. So Pingu and Pings spent a day masking.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Red currants

Pinga and Momo-chan went to check red currant bushen in the neighborhood. They were growing but still very green.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Don't come close to me!

Momo-chan came so close to me and I got nervous. He seems to like me but I'm sorry I don't. Momo-chan's movements are so unpredictable and I feel uneasy. Do something other than take photo Pingu!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Paints and more

Pingu has bought all these for painting the house that we will move into next month. He has started the preparation work for the weekend painting tonight. I am just looking forward to move there as there is a garden :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Pinga's friends went to Lego land in Denmark and they got this as a souvenir for Momo-chan. They thought it is the coolest Ninjago and noticed that it has a nice name too. Very nice gift :)

Swedish asparagus

Pinga's colleague gave her these big asparaguses. They were very tasty. Very nice gift! It was Momo-chan's first time to taste asparagus and he liked it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Momo-chan in the kitchen

Momo-chan can open drawers now. So here he is opening the drawer and checking what's inside. Be careful and not to injure your hands by closing it Momo-chan!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Momo-chan climbing

Momo-chan is getting very mobile these days. He can crawl fast and he is everywhere. Here is Momo-chan climbing on Pingu.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Although the temperature was not so high, you van feel spring has come from different kinds of flowers blooming. Mono-chan is having tough time falling asleep during day time these days but he wad sleeping well when they passed by those lilacs.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paint shop

Momo-chan, Pingu and Pinga were at the paint shop. They will paint the house we will move into next month so there are many things to check and prepare. Pingu and Pinga were surprised to find out how much it costs to buy the paint and also the tools to paint. Pingu was talking to a shop stuff for a long time and Momo-chan got bored. So he took of his socks, played with his legs and started to talk. So Pinga walked around in the shop with Momo-chan.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New clothes

Momo-chan received these nice clothes from Pinga's friend as her son has grown out of them. Very nice gifts! Momo-chan is enjoying them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ice cream!

As it was very nice and sunny, Pingu and Pinga met in town after Pinga's work for Italian gelato. Momo-chan Was very curious and he got to taste a bit too. It was apple pie flavour. He didn't react much though.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Jinbei Momo-chan!

While doing hanami in the park both Pingu and Momo-chan were wearing their jinbei outfits. Momo-chan was wearing it for the first time and it was nice and cool. Momo-chan's jinbei was a gift from Pinga's sister and her husband. Very nice!

Hanami in Lund's botanical garden

Here is movie evidence of Momo-chan doing hanami in Lund's botanical garden. Most of the cheery blossoms are now laying on the ground but this tree has some to spread and the movie shows flying petals nicely I think.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Studying Momo-chan?

Pinga was reading her Swedish textbook then Momo-chan came. He first took the highlighter from her and then tried to take over the book too. I wonder which language or word Momo-chan will speak for the first time.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sakura in full bloom

As it was very nice weather Pingu, Pinga and Momo-chan went down to town for ice cream. This cherry blossom tree is in full bloom and very beautiful.

Japanese kids song

Momo-chan was very curiously looking at this DVD of Japanese kids songs.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Up in the windmill

It's Pinga's first time to be inside of the windmill. It is not used any more but quite interesting to see how it's constructed.

Out with colleagues

Pinga is in the country side with her colleagues. Great weather today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I smell something!

As you can see Bolt was very friendly and cuddley. On wonder when Pinga came home I could smell a dog from her jeans.

Meeting Bolt

Momo-chan went to visit friends and met this dog, Bolt. He was much more patient than me and stayed by Momo-chan's side for a while.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sonic the hedge hog

This hedge hog lives in Pinga's colleague's garden. Pinga's colleague named him or her, Sonic. As it's getting warmer, s/he came out. Pinga has never seen a wild hedge hog before she comes to Sweden and she is still very curious about it.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home made pearl milk tea

Pinga got a bag of black tapioca from her Taiwanese friend. Home cooked tapiocas tasted quite ok and Pinga was happy. It reminds Pinga of her days in Taiwan and also in L.A.