Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New pajama

Now it's Momo-chan's turn to try on a new clothes. Momo-chan looked cute with a monkey pajama on.

Pingu's birthday present

No, it's not Momo-chan's stomach that I wanted to blog. Pingu tried on a fleece that he received from Pinga's sister and her husband in Tokyo. It fits perfectly. Very nice!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Marsipan Moomin

Pinga was at a bakery picking up cakes yesterday. It's Christmas season and marzipan art is big in Sweden just like in Germany. Pinga found Moomin and Hello Kitty among other things.

Stormy weather

Pingu went to drop off Momo-chan at daycare this morning. At day care a big part of a tree had fallen to the ground. Yesterday evening and night there was a storm and they kept inside. Luckily no damages to the house.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Momo-chan the explorer (video)

Here is Mom-chan in action with the flashlight!

Momo-chan the explorer!

Momo-chan got to try the flashlight today. He became intrigued and Pingu turned off the lights so that Momo-chan could explore the house.

Pingu blows out the candles on the cake

Pingu love apple meringue cake so Pinga surprised him with cake and lots of friends. What a nice gift! The photo shows how Pingu almost managed to blow out the candles in one breath.

Pingu birthday breakfast!

Pinga woke pingu up with special breakfast, waffles! Very tasty and even more tasty with Pinga's homemade applejam.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Afternoon in Malmö

As tomorrow is Pingu's birthday Momo-chan went to our friends place and Pingu and Pinga went out. It started off with an afternoon tea. Pingu had a piece of brownie cake. You can see it on the right below corner of this photo. It's close to Christmas and they have those colorful marzipan animals and things.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Climbing Momo-chan

Momo-chan turned 18 months old today. He started to climb on to things this week. He was active from the morning and here he is climbed up on the shoebox. He did the same at day care yesterday and fell down more than once. Take it easy Momo-chan! We don't want you to get bruises.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Lund Christmas decorations

Pingu was biking back home when he saw these nice decorations in downtown Lund.

Japanese mayonnaise!

Momo-chan has a new eating habit. He had started dipping food in mayonnaise. Japanese mayonnaise of course.

Another present!

Momo-chan was very excited opening this gift. Inside was a great drum toy. It even had Momo-chan's favorite song: anpanman march!

On the cushion

After Momo-chan goes to bed, I usually go out to the living room and relax. Then Pinga came and sat next to me. Very nice and cozy evening.

20th century Swedish literature

It's Thursday and Pinga went to her Swedish class as usual. Today's lecture was about 20th century Swedish literature. Moomin books and Pippi long stockings books were part of the lecture. They read part of the famous novel "The Emigrants (Utvandrarna)" by Vilhelm Moberg.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Just like my blog title...

I'm sleepy. It's nice to relax in between Pinga's legs.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pulling himself up

No, not me. I don't pull myself up. I jump onto things. It's Momo-chan pulling himself up to chairs and small table like this. I hope he won't climb over the separation thing at the bedroom door.

Coming out

Momo-chan likes to do hide and seek these days. He hid under the dining table and here he came out.

Mutsu apples

Pinga's former colleague got lot of Mutsu apples for us this year as well. Very nice! Need to wait a bit until they become more yellowish.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dinner time

Momo-chan is getting better with using a spoon and a folk these days. Here he's eating potato with stew. But Pinga was eating same stew with pasta and he wanted to have pasta more than his own food. He got some from Pinga and became happy.

Another play date

Momo-chan visited Japanese friends home yesterday. He enjoyed the apple pie and playing with two other kids.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

May I present...

Momo-chan got really excited playing with the curtains. Here he is getting ready for the show...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baumkuchen from Munich

We had a friend from Germany visiting yesterday and he brought Pinga's favorite sweet, baumkuchen. Unlike in Japan, it's sold only before Christmas and easter in Germany. Vary nice gift!

Play date - part II

There were moments that they shared the same toy.

Play date

Momo-chan had a play date. There were the other boys who were born at about the same period. It's fun to see how they interact to each other. There were afternoon tea and apple pie too.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Another fun thing

Momo-chan even enjoyed the wrapping paper for the book. He still has an unopened present.

Dinosaur pop-up book

Momo-chan seems to like this dinosaur pop-up book. But Pinga had to watch him closely as he started to pulling it.

Opening an early birthday present

What's inside? Momo-chan was eager to open it.

Usual morning

As soon as he got into the building,  Momo-chan wanted to go into the play zone. Let me in!

On the way to day care

Momo-chan wanted to get off the bike and walk a bit.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pop-up birthday card

Momo-chan got nice gifts and early birthday presents. Pinga opened this card and he was curiously touching it. They will open the gifts soon! But wait! What about me? Nothing for me in the package?

I know how to use this!

Momo-chan somehow figured out how to use this gift and started stamping and drawing on it.

I found something!

Momo-chan was helping Pinga opening the package but he found this gift and totally distracted.

Another package from Tokyo

We have received another package from Tokyo today. Momo-chan was trying to open it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cute socks for Pinga

Pinga received those cute socks and Elmo neck warmer. Momo-chan wanted to check them out too!

Anpanman snack

One of the things in the package was this Anpanman rice crackers. Anpanman is a famous kids cartoon hero. As Momo-chan has  watched it on YouTube before maybe he has recognized him.

Package from Tokyo

We received a package from Pinga's best friend in Tokyo. Momo-chan was very curious and helped Pinga opening it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Let me in!

Arrived at day care and Momo-chan was eager to go into the room where everyone else is. He was reaching out to the door nob.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crazy about ribbons

As you can see Momo-chan likes to play with ribbons just like me.

Gift with a very nice wrapping

We had a friend came for an afternoon tea. She came with this very nice gift. Momo-chan enjoyed both the wrapping and contents. It was a three layered  wooden puzzle inside. Very nice!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pipes - Part III

This pipe is a bit smaller so Momo-chan got stuck and got a bit of panic but he managed to crawl inside.

Pipes - Part II

Then he came to the other side!

Pipes -Part I

Momo-chan likes to go through these pipes.

At the playground

Momo-chan enjoyed the slider a lot. Pinga's butt got wet though.

Frosty morning

It was 8 am and I was sleeping but Mono-chan and Pinga went out for a walk. It was minus 1 degrees and frosty.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Moshi moshi?

Well, Momo-chan does not respond in Japanese yet but he definitely knows how to use a phone.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

On the way to day care

Momo-chan is wearing new warm jacket today. It has not rained for a long time which is quite unusual in Lund.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One down, unknown number of mice to go

Aha! Already after a couple of hours there was a first mouse dead in the standard traps planted by the exterminator this morning. He used peanut butter to arm the trap. Mice love it and they have to lick or chew on it so they can't escape with it. Mice can easily take the cheese and run away without the trap closing.

Evidence of mouse!

Today we had a visit from the exterminator. He was here to help us with the mouse problem we have in the attic. He gave us thumbs up on preparations so far. Pingu was not too happy with my performance. He even called me fat and lazy since I never catch any mice. I was lying on the bed as he said that and felt a bit guilty. First thing was to check the existing mouse poison station and see if they had eaten any of it. Oh boy did they! This photo is of the station with a block of poison. When Pingu opened it today it was completely gone! Wow! Luckily there was nothing from the station under the kitchen sink so they are only in the attic it seems.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Uninvited guests

Pingu and Pinga noticed some strange scraping noise from the attic the other day. Pingu suspects mice so he went to get anti-mice supplies. Hopefully this will help.

Imitate, part 2

Yesterday Momo-chan helped Pingu rake leaves in the garden. It was the neighbors that lent Momo-chan the mini-rake. Cute!