Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year end noodle

Following the Japanese tradition, Pinga and Momo-chan went to eat
soba noodle at a Japanese noodle place. It was very tasty and Momo-chan ate well too.

Tea party at the playground

Momo-chan was very curious about those other kids and joined them for their tea party. All of them were speaking Russian so it was not easy for Momo-chan or Pinga too understand.

Horse turning into a scooter

She showed to Pinga and Momo-chan that this horse can change into a scooter.

On the horse -Part II

You can see that Momo-chan was having fun!

On the horse

This girl offered to push the horse for Momo-chan too. Very nice!

At the playground

Momo-chan went to a playground in their neighborhood. These kids were already there. They were very friendly and Momo-chan got to play together.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Momo-chan in the box

It seems like jetlag is over and Momo-chan was active from the morning. He found this box and went in. See, it's not only me who loves boxes.

Mischievous Momo-chan

Here's Momo-chan with a knit hat again. As soon as he saw a knit hat he tried to put it on. Not in a normal way but in a bandit style.

Mountain High

Pinga went skiing with her friend to a resort called Mountain High. It was crowded but the snow was good and they had fun. Pinga was worried about Momo-chan but Pinga's aunt and uncle said that he was really a good boy all day and there was no problem. But as soon as he saw Pinga cane home, he became very mischievous again.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adopt a dog or a cat

Momo-chan and Pinga were at a shopping mall and there was a place that you can meet dogs and cats from an animal shelter and adopt one if you want. As Momo-chan loves dogs he was there for a while communicating with them.

Sunglasses Momo-chan

Pinga gave him sunglasses to try and he seemed to like it. Hmm so what does it say on the box?

In Westwood

Pinga met her friends for lunch. Just outside the restaurant they ate, there was this fire hydrant and Momo-chan somehow liked it and tried to climb on it.

Trying it on

Pinga went to find sneakers and Momo-chan had fun running around and also tried out an adult shoe.

At home and new games!

Pingu and his sister came by the cat hotel and picked me up today. I was happy but the car ride always scares me and I made sure to make lots of noise to put that point across. Later that day Pingu and his sister went to town to do some errands. They came back with these two games that they got from the shop downtown. They had a slae and these two games were only 20 Swedish kronor a piece, what a bargain!

Dinner on the way back to Lund

Pingu and Pingu's sister traveled back down to Lund yesterday. They got a ride with a very dear friend who happened to be up in Stockholm for Christmas. On the way down they stopped in Jönköping to grab a bite to eat. This was no greasy spoon joint but a very nice place called Studion (The Studio). They had a tasty dinner and on the wall next to them was this writing: "Without icecream there would be darkness and chaos". How true thought Pingu.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Looking up at the ferris wheel

Momo-chan was very interest in the ferris wheel and looking at it like this.

At the pier -Part II

It was over 20C degrees and some people were bathing in the sea.

At the pier

They were at Santa Monica pier this afternoon with Pinga's friends. There were so many people but Momo-chan had fun watching people and ask the attractions at the pier.

Renting ski - Part II

This friendly kid put Momo-chan on his snow board. It was a bit toowide stans four Momo-chan though.

Renting ski -Part I

Momo-chan and Pinga was waiting at a ski rental counter and there were these boys. One of the kids was very friendly and talked to Momo-chan and asked Pinga if he can speak. Pinga said that he can say just few words but he continued to talk to Momo-chan. "Come here baby! Can you say yes?" and so on.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


As Momo-chan wanted to check out many things, it became late. It was 16:50 when Pinga took this photo by the car.

Almost sunset

Swing by the pier

Momo-chan liked this swing and stayed there for a while.

Looking at the beach

Momo-chan looks serious, isn't he?

At the beach -Part II

This girl was very friendly and talked to Pinga.

At the beach again

After lunch, Momo-chan and pinga came to Santa Monica beach for a walk and for Momo-chan too play. Momo-chan got very excited every time dogs came by.

Pancake again

Pinga ordered a pancake for Momo-chan but he didn't eat as good as last time. He liked sweet potato flies better.

Gacha gacha

As Momo-chan was very curious, Pinga decided to put a quarter in one of the machines. This mini soccer ball came out.

At Cafe 50s

They met friends at Cafe 50s for lunch. Momo-chan was very curious about these machines at the entrance.


Momo-chan is creative. Many things become toys for him. This curtain is one of them.


Pingu and his sister decided to take a walk in a nearby park since the weather is lovely with a completely blue sky and 10 degrees! It is to God to be true in December.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Momo-chan the bank robber?

No, it was not Pinga who put it like this. Momo-chan did it himself as he thought it was fun.

Trying out knit hats

They were doing some special sale outside of the store. Momo-chan was curious about knit hats so pinga put one of them on him. Looks cute!

At a sports shop -Part V

Momo-chan checking the wheels one by one. He had so much fun at the store.

At sports shop -Part VI

Momo-chan was inspecting smoothness of the wheels of skateboards. He looks very serious.

At a sports shop -Part III

Come on! I'm ready to run, says Momo-chan.

At a sports shop -Part II

Next, he climbed onto a treadmill.

At a sports shop -Part I

Momo-chan started to try golf clubs. Hmm which one is better?

Narrow streets of old town

Pingu and his sister took a walk through the narrow streets of old town. Hard to believe it is December.

Stockholm view

Pingu took a photo earlier this month of the Stockholm skyline at night. Here is a day view from the same spot. No snow and about 6 degrees is not so bad.

Christmas penguins

Pingu was out walking yesterday when he saw this display window with penguins dressed up for Christmas. He was thinking of Pinga and Momo-chan and hope they are having a good time in LA.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Walking walking...

I wanna know what's out there! Momo-chan staggered to walk towards the sea. Then he stopped and picked hoop the trash and gave it to Pinga. Her did that several times.

Let's go home!

Momo-chan was pushing his stroller and looked like he was ready to go home. Bit he stopped and started to walk towards the sea.

On the beach again

Momo-chan went to the playground by the beach again today. Here he is with his new sand toys he got from Pinga's aunt. It's over 20C degrees and felt like Swedish summer for Pinga.

Kissing Santa

Momo-chan was happy and active this morning. He was kissing a mini Santa he got on the Swiss air.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pancake for the first time

Momo-chan had an American pancake for the very first time and he liked it a lot.

Santa on the swing

Momo-chan went to the same park as yesterday and enjoyed the swing again. He got tired and hungry so he didn't stay for a long time.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Pinga's aunt bought these cherries for Pingu. They are having them and thinking of Pingu.

Stairs - part I

Momo-chan loves stairs and went up and down again and again.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why is this so stringy?

Momo-chan had a nattou lunch. Hey really likes it. He was wondering why it's so stringy and sticky..