Monday, July 30, 2012

Eating together

Momo-chan met his favourite friend after day care. They were playing together and then eating watermelon and peach. Pinga thought they were adorable sharing a chair and eating together.

I love raspberries!

When Pinga went to pick up Momo-chan at daycare, he was by the raspberry bush and picking them up and eating. He found out recently that strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cherries are tasty. Before he didn't even want to try them.

15C and rainy ミッキーマウスももちゃん

As it was raining and not warm this morning, Pinga put his rainy day outfit on Momo-chan. He seemed to like it. It was a strange weather. Lots of rain, then sunshine, then cloud came again and rained. Pinga was wondering which one is better, very warm and humid in Tokyo or not summerly at all in Lund? Maybe something in between...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

First time on a massage chair

Pinga was trying this massage chair at her friends place and Momo-chan got curious. So he tried and he actually liked it. It has Shiatsu function too. Nice!

I want to drive!

Momo-chan does not really like his seat in the back and he just climbed up to the driver's seat. He was very eager to drive. Wait for 16 years please Momo-chan!

Look! Bubbles!

As you can see, Momo-chan waqs blowing bubbles. It was not so easy for him but he managed!

Blowing bubbles シャボン玉ももちゃん

Momo-chan was blowing bubbles at his friends place and he actually succeeded this time. He was very happy.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sushi dinner

Here are sushi Pinga made. They got good reviews from her Italian and Columbian friends but Momo-chan didn't eat them. He was eating strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and dessert.


Momo-chan said good bye to the girl at a supermarket but he found her again by the fountain and they started to play together again. Kids love water and Momo-chan's socks were soaked. Pinga talked to her mom and found out that she is just one month younger than Momo-chan.

Making friends

Momo-chan was at a supermarket and there he met this girl. Momo-chan was nice and friendly and gesturing she could sit next to her and she did. So they had fun together. Nice!

Fish for sushi

Pinga and Momo-chan met a friend at a market on the town square. There was a fish selling truck and there Pinga bought salmon and shrimp salad. Momo-chan was curiously looking at all the fish.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer weather

Today too was very sunny and warm. Momo-chan played outside after daycare until he got hungry.

Sharing a popsicle

Momo-chan's favourite friend was not there but he made a new friend. He is also 8 years old and very kind. They jumped on thehl trampoline together and had popsicle together too. Everything was well except that Pinga fell from the trampoline and cut herself a bit.

Momo-chan the music lover

Momo-chan seems to like music. He sings often. Found Pingu's headset and Momo-chan put it on his ears. Ready to move to the music Momo-chan?

Cozy on the desk

I am usually alone at home but Pinga was working from home today. So I was happy just to be near her.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In the neighbour's garden

Momo-chan knows this house has a rabbit and very nice garden. So he just went in and said hi to the house owners and just continued walking. He was curious about the sprinkler. Of course he got wet from it and he was happy.


When Momo-chan and Pinga were out this evening, this motor driven paradlider came up in the sky. It was small but had a big motor noise.

Arriving at daycare

Momo-chan was active from the morning. He found this branch and started to play with it. It was 18C or so in the morning and it went up to 29C. Summer had finally come!

Bloody Momo-chan?

No no it's juice from cherries but it looks a bit scary...

Picking cherries again

As Momo-chan found out that cherries are tasty, he wanted to pick them again. When Pinga came to daycare to pick him up, Jr had stains from raspberries. Then he got more from cherries.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Momo-chan trying

Momo-chan really wanted to have some more cherries so he went up to this by himself. Be careful Momo-chan!

Picking cherries

Pingu's sister was picking the cherries in the garden. Momo-chan has tried it this time and he liked it. So he wanted to have more but they are high up and not easy to get to.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


As the current gate to the garden is falling off, pingu and pingu's dad worked on painting the new gate. It was the second layer today. One more time and it will be done.

Pingu's sister's birthday party

They were at Pingu's sister's place to join her birthday party. Momo-chan enjoyed eating strawberries and meeting new people.

Taking a walk

It was very nice and warm. Out felt like our Italian friend has brought sunshine to Lund! They took a walk for an hour and a half.

Bolt taking apples

Pinga went out for a walk with her friend and this Jack Russell, Bolt. He likes apples and he bit them off from the tree.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Very tasty dinner was followed by this cake. Momo-chan was not interested in the cake but he enjoyed eating strawberries.

Insects net

What are you trying to catch Momo-chan?

Homemade Romanian dinner

Yesterday was Italian and today was Romanian food. Very tasty and Momo-chan liked it too.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Very tasty home made Italian food

Pinga's friend recreated the dishes he had in Italy and they were very tasty!

Happy clover 四葉のクローバー

Pinga's friend found this happy clover while they were taking a walk. Pinga had never seen one in real-life so she got excited.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Momo-chan loves lawnmower

Momo-chan borrowed this and ran around with it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

3D glasses Momo-chan

Momo-chan were at the friends house. They have two older kids and momo-chan had fun playing with them. Here he is trying on 3D glasses.

Momo-chan on the trampoline

Momo-chan was looking at them jumping and he wanted to be on it too. So he went on to the trampoline but he didn't want to stand up.

Mr. Potato head

Their friend brought many potato heads for Momo-chan to play. Pingu and other adults had fun playing with them too.

4 wheel car

It's not tricycle. Momo-chan found a four wheel vehicle for kids.


After a lot of rain it became sunny. So Pingu, Pinga and friends went out to grill. Momo-chan was curious about it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


They found gooseberries in the garden. Momo-chan's friend likes them but Momo-chan didn't want to try them. He just wanted to pick them.


Momo-chan's friend came this morning. They started to talk more and more. They fought a bit but mostly had fun together.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Picking cherries

Hanging out with older kids

As one of them is his friend Momo-chan was together with older kids. Pingu and Pinga tried to make Momo-chan bike on his own bike but he didn't want to.

Afternoon tea at work

There was Friday afternoon tea at work and Pinga's colleague had baked this. It not only looked good but tasted great too!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Momo-chan in the box

That's my box!

Momo-chan found my box and went in. He liked it and stayed there for more than 10 minutes. Come out Momo-chan!

Why are feet sticking out from my box?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Nail art

They were done in Romania. Momo-chan especially liked those butterflies. It's long lasting and still looks good after almost a month had passed.

On the cart

Momo-chan played with this boy again today. They took turn and pushed the cart. Good job Momo-chan!

Climbing the cherry tree

Momo-chan met his friend's friends. They love to pick cherries and they climbed high up to get them. Pinga became worried as they went up and up.


It's not really a tractor but for Momo-chan it is. He run towards it and checking it out.

Mushroom trail

It rained on and off today. On the way back from lunch, Pinga found these mushrooms on a grass.