Monday, October 29, 2012

Full moon

On the way back home Momo-chan found full moon. As it's changed to winter time, it was already dark around 5pm.

Watching Tomas

It was cute when they sit quietly and watched Tomas and friends.

Halloween themed cake

Here's typical Swedish princess cake with a bit of Halloween decoration.

Visiting Japanese friends

They went to Japanese friends who lives close by. They have two boys around Momo-chan's age. Momo-chan's friend was excited about the cake but Momo-chan didn't want to even try it.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friend visit

Momo-chan's friend and his mom came for dinner. Momo-chan tries to imitate what he does. Pinga tried this too!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Autumn colours

Autumn is coming close to end. Leaves are red, orange and yellow everywhere and they are falling down to ground too. Sunset is becoming early. Don't get depressed Pinga!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Horses close up

Momo-chan wanted to go closer and feed them so they went to the other side of the firm. This horse was very friendly and came to say hello to Momo-chan and Pinga.

Hello horses

Then they went to see horses in the neighbourhood. Momo-chan loves them and now he can say horses in both Swedish (hest) and Japanese(uma).

Momo-chan continues to play

Momo-chan playing

Pinga hurried to pick Momo-chan up from daycare but when she got there, he was very much into playing and not at all interested in going home. When one of the teachers asked him "Your mom came. Aren't you gonna go to her and hug?" he just said "No."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gelato Momo-chan

Here's Momo-chan happily eating gelato. They've ordered three flavours to share. Apple cake and chocolate tasted delicious but vanilla orange was so so.

Warm autumn day

It was a very nice day so they went in town and had gelato. Leaves are changing colours in many places.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


It's Saturday and they went to their usual grocery

Friday, October 19, 2012

Autumn morning

Pinga took this photo after she took Momo-chan to daycare. It's 10C degrees or so this morning so not so cold. On the way to daycare, neighbour's cat came by to Momo-chan and Pinga and greeted them by rubbing against them. Pinga thought of me and said to Momo-chan "I miss Scotchan" and Momo-chan said "Scotchan." I think that's the first time he said my name as he had tough time saying "s". Good job Momo-chan!

Autumn morning

Monday, October 15, 2012

Punk hair Momo-chan screaming

When Pinga came to see Momo-chan's new hair style, at first he was shy then he got wild and screamed.

Punk hair Momo-chan

Pingu did this punk hair style to Momo-chan while bathing.

Itokonnyaku 糸こんにゃく

Pinga became happy findings these itokonnyaku at a normal supermarket. Today she made mentai itokonnyaku for her dinner. Momo-chan liked it a lot too.

Kids table

They went to their friends place for afternoon tea. There were four kids and they had this kids table. They quickly ate cinnamon buns and wafers and went back to playing.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

In town

Pinga noticed that this house has a cute sign hanging or sticking out to the street. They went shopping but the shops didn't open until 12:00. They couldn't wait for an hour duo they came back home.

Momo-chan the driver

Momo-chan wanted to sit on a driver's seat. It will be another 15 years for him to get the license but he links so ready. By the way, our car cane back from repair shop and now it has no scratches or dents.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bolt came for a visit

Bolt was visiting us this evening. He was sniffing and checking our bedroom. As he could smell me, he was wondering where I was. Too bad that I was not there to confront you Bolt!


They went to a supermarket but it was raining. Momo-chan was looking at rain drops going down the window.

Momo-chan and ducklings

Momo-chan likes taking a bath. Here he is with his bath time friends.

Horse came by

And this is the horse that they saw. All four of them went after this horse.

Swing for two kids

It was Momo-chan's first time to try this swing for two kids. It went well and they had fun. Momo-chan wanted to get off when he saw a horse came near by.

At the park

Momo-chan found his friends at a nearby park. He was happy that his friend was giving spend for the swing.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wild mushrooms

Found wild mushroom

Momo-chan found wild mushrooms just outside of daycare. They looked a bit like Shimeji mushrooms and Pinga was a bit worried if he puts them in his mouth. But it was ok.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Frosty morning 初霜

It's only October but the temperature this morning was 0,5C degrees and grass became frozen. It was 5C yesterday morning. Such a change in one day. As it's a very beautiful starry sky now, it will be cold tomorrow morning too.

New hairstyle for Momo-chan?

When Pinga went to pick up Momo-chan at daycare, he had this new chonmage hairstyle. It's kind of cute, right?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Like brothers

Momo-chan was visiting his friend after daycare. As you can see, Momo-chan is feeling at home and looked as if he has two big brothers.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Friend came to visit

Momo-chan's friend came with her parents to us this afternoon. Momo-chan became happy to find his friend when he woke up from his afternoon nap.

Asian food shopping

They went to Malmö to buy rice with their friends. This time they bought almost 20kg of rice. Points found itokonnyaku as well. As she is trying to lose weight, it's helpful.


Autumn is beautiful but it's rainy too. And the temperature in the morning is below 10 already.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Auf wiedersehen Oktoberfest!

Pingu arrived at 4 PM and after several hours of drinking, eating and singing it was time to go back to the hotel. It was Pingu's first time at the Oktoberfest and it was surely an event to remember. A must do for sure. Good night Munich and bye for now!

Beer and music

The tent was really huge and there was even a band that played. Things started out pretty quiet but soon people were standing on the benches and singing along and drinking beer.

Beer and pretzels

Pingu and others were at a reserved area of the Hofbräuhaus tent. They server 1 liter glasses called maß. The huge beer went well with the even bigger pretzels. The ladies carrying the beer glasses sometimes came by with ten glasses which must be quite heavy.

Beer barrels ahoy

A number of horse drawn carriages came through the area loaded with lots of beer barrels. Poor horses, it must be heavy.


The InsideAR conference ended with every one going to the famous Oktoberfest in downtown Munich. It is a huge park area with both attractions and merry go rounds for the younger people and then huge beer tents for the grown ups.

Pingu goes to Munich

Hello blog, Pingu traveled to Munich on Sunday and came home today. First he was at a conference called InsideAR and then he had a project meeting for two days. The weather was nice and he bought some Munich beer and brought home to Pinga.

More fun after daycare

Momo-chan and Pinga met these mom and daughter at a playground. She goes to the same daycare as Momo-chan. She's not yet two years old but as tall as Momo-chan.

Fun with older friends

They came to say hello to Momo-chan and also wanted to have Pinga's help getting apples from an apple tree. Here's Momo-chan running around with his friends.

Where is Momo-chan?

Momo-chan is mischievous. He ran away from Pinga and hid himself in bushes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One month has passed...

 It's been one month since I left home and came here in heaven. I miss Pingu, Pinga and even Momo-chan. Momo-chan seems to be thinking of me too. Would have been fun to be around them for longer time. But as I mentioned before, I will be watching them from here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Autumn coloured tree

Getting autumn in Lund. It's beautiful but Pinga is a bit afraid that winter will come soon.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework time

After daycare, Momo-chan and Pinga visited their friends. As they were working on their homework, Momo-chan joined them and did some painting.