Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Then on the boat

Then they came out thorough the front window and stood on top of the boat.

In a boat

There's a boat outside of daycare and they went in there together.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Glowing Momo-chan

It was almost 5pm but it's tough to take a good photo without a flash. So it turned out to be like this. Momo-chan was a bit disappointed that the snow has melted away as he wanted to use his sleigh.

Pulling a sleigh

This morning, Momo-chan wanted to pull it instead of riding. Pinga wanted him to ride it as they were late for daycare.

Tired? Bored?

After a while Momo-chan sat down on the side of the road.

After daycare

After coming back from work, Pinga was plowing snow and Momo-chan wanted to do the same. One time he was holding a shovel together with Pinga but it didn't take time till he finds some other fun thing to do.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lounge access

Pingu is flying to Tokyo today. He met Pinga's old boss on the train to the airport and he could come in as a guest to the nice part of the lounge. Nice! Unfortunately the flight is delayed and right now it is still unclear when the plane will take off.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Little helper

Pinga and Momo-chan were at a supermarket. Momo-chan was very helpful pulling the basket and putting things into the basket. He was happy that they got satsumas, pears and apricots. Right after coming back home, Momo-chan ate four apricots!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Pinga is looking at Amber's photo and thinking of me as she looks a bit like me. Some of Pinga's friends are still asking me how I am not knowing I'm no longer there. Heaven is not bad but home is the best.

Melon pan

Momo-chan is trying out melon pan for the first time. He liked it and said "more!" after finishing one. He ate one and a half melon pan as his afternoon snack.

Thomas tattoo - close up

Thomas tattoo

Pinga bought a Thomas coloring book in L.A. and it came with sticker tattoos. So he tried it on today. First time tattooing!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Three weeks old baby

They went to meet their friends three weeks old baby today. She was small and cute. Pinga held her and she was stretching and yawning.

Birthday cake from the company

Pinga was invited to a birthday celebration with cake this afternoon together with colleagues that have birthdays in December and January. Nice company she works for!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

New way of riding a sleigh

Pinga picked up Momo-chan from day care. Pinga was a bit surprised to see Momo-chan riding a sleigh in new style. Momo-chan found almost a full moon in the sky and kept saying "tsuki", a Japanese word for moon.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First semla of the season

Pinga shared a semla with Momo-chan after dinner. As you can see, he liked it and enjoyed eating it.

Cement mixer car

Momo-chan received a new toy from Pinga's aunt and uncle. It shoots cement chunk from the tank and Momo-chan was having a lot of fun with it.

Birthday lunch

Pingu took Pinga for a nice lunch as it was Pinga's birthday yesterday. It was a typical Swedish dish with lingonberry on it.

Back in Lund

Pinga came back home late last night. Such a difference from sunny L.A. to snowy Lund.

Transfer in London

Pinga was on her way home from L.A. but she had to spend six hours in Phoenix and four hours in London. Terminal five didn't have many shops.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Red velvet cake

Pinga's friend bought this cake ago that Pinga can try. Red velvet cake was at Cheesecake Factory as well and Pinga has been curious about it. The creamcheese topping eas tasty. Cake didn't have specific flavor and was just sweet. Exciting to try something for the first time so nice that Pinga has a very nice friend.

Bye bye Amber

Amber was like this when Pinga went to say good bye. When Pinga tried to pet her, she hissed at her. She was not in a good mood...

Sunset in Santa Monica

It was another very sunny day. It went up to 80F degrees. Pinga was in Santa Monica when the sun was setting. Temperature dropped dramatically and out was chilly but the sunset was beautiful.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Warming up afterwards

After the sledge ride they got invited to stay on for dinner. Before dinner they took it easy and watched Disney's Robin Hood together.

Rolling down the hill

No they have not fainted, they just decided to roll down the hill!

Sledge ride!

Today Pingu and Momo-chan went to visit some friends in Dalby. Since it was nice and clear they brought their sledge and after a tasty chocolate cake they headed out to ride their sledges. Momo-chan had fun and even walked back up himself.

Samurai Momo-chan waiting for the ice cream truck

Momo-chan is looking out into the the street and hoped the ice cream truck would drive by. It did not. The hairstyle is from daycare where one of the ladies put a pony tail on top of Momo-chan's head and he liked it so it stayed all the way home.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hello Amber!

Pinga is staying with her friend in Westwood today. Amber lives with her. As you can see, she has tiger stripes and a bit of hanging stomach and those remind Pinga of me.

French toast at Amandine

Pinga had nice French style brunch at a French cafe. Both French toast and omelette were tasty.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Kami ikura rice bowl

In Little Tokyo, Pinga had this lunch. Lots of crab and salmon raw and was very tasty!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Little Tokyo

Pinga went to Little Tokyo to see her friends. There were many cute Japanese stores and restaurants.

Santa Monica airport

Pinga's aunt and uncle took Pinga to this small airport as they think Momo-chan likes it. They could see small airplanes taking off very close.

Sunny Santa Monica

Pinga flew to L.A. from Phoenix yesterday. It's nice and sunny like Swedish summer.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Pinga traveling again

Pinga has arrived in Phoenix this evening. The cold front had arrived there too so it's cold. God luck Pinga with the jetlag!

Arrived at daycare

It's cold today too but inside the building is warm. As usual Momo-chan took of his socks together with his boots.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


It's minus zero degrees all day today and started snowing around noon. It must be cold if Momo-chan played outside.

Overall Momo-chan

Momo-chan looked like this this morning. He wanted to make pizza with Pinga but no time for that.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pizza for Anpanman

Momo-chan got this pizza making toy from Pinga's close friend in Taiwan. He seems to like it a lit and made pizzas for Anpanman and Baikinman.

Mischievous Momo-chan

Pinga went to pick up Momo-chan. Momo-chan became happy when he saw Pinga. Then he started to play with pacifiers that were in lost and found pile.

Last dinner in Tokyo

Pinga's parents took then to sushi place. You can order but also sushi were on the belt moving. Here's Momo-chan liking at them curiously.