Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hippo's mouth

One girl was trying to feed him with corn snacks and he was opening his mouth.

Hello hippo!

Momo-chan and Pinga could see a hippo so close.

Sami at Belgrade zoo

This chimpanzee is no longer alive but they made this in memory of him.

Meet the goat family

There's an area that you can meet and pet goats. Momo-chan and his friends liked it and pet them.

Rock star Momo-chan

Here is Momo-chan with big sunglasses.

Roosters and hens

Momo-chan was excited to see these roosters and hens. Ones that have chickens didn't want us to come so close though.

White peacock

Then they met this white peacock. Momo-chan followed it for a while.

Peacock on the roof

They went to Belgrade zoo. There were many different kind of animals. They entered and found this peacock first.

At a mall

As it was windy and cold, they went to a shopping mall. Momo-chan found this stand that sells sunglasses and he tried on some of them.

Serbian pancake

They went to a pancake place for dinner. They were more like crépe and were very tasty. Momo-chan liked them too.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Danube and Sava

Just by the fortress, two rivers meet. As you see, there was a great view of the rivers and Novi Beograd from the fortress.

Momo-chan on the wall

Momo-chan was not afraid of the height but Pingu and Pinga were worried as he could fall to the other side.

One for you, one for me

Momo-chan let his friend use another one. They were walking along.

Kalemegdan fortress

They reached Belgrade. Despite of the weather forecast, it was sunny yesterday afternoon.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter decoration

Our neighbour was decorating the tree with Easter feathers.

Removing snow

Momo-chan started to remove the snow that was remaining.

After daycare

Momo-chan didn't want to try his bicycle but he wanted to use his garden cleaning tool.

Found Dokin-chan box!

Here's Momo-chan showing Dokin-chan box to Pinga.

Boxes inside box

This Anpanman bento box has two more boxes inside it. Here's Momo-chan finding other boxes. He likes Dokin-chan as well so he was happy to find this pink box with her on it.

Anpanman bento box

Momo-chan received this gift from Pinga's sister and her family. He got excited as he likes Anpanman a lot.

Momo-chan with Easter crafts

Peeling Easter egg

Momo-chan came back home with Easter crafts. He painted egg, egg stand and made these baby chicks. He peeled the egg that he painted and ate it.


Momo-chan received this helicopter as his birthday present. It came with a motorcycle too! He was playing with it for a long time.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Momo-chan plays big brother

Momo-chan had a young visitor today for his birthday and he wanted to show his maturity and that he can be a big brother. Well done Momo-chan!


Momo-chan got a lot of nice presents today. Here are some of them:

Waffle day

As Momo-chan was born on waffle day, they had waffles after dinner. Momo-chan just had a bit but other guests, Pingu and Pinga had enjoyed them.

Momo-chan became three

Momo-chan became three and there was a celebration at daycare. They have popsicles when a child has birthday. He looked happy when Pinga went to pick him up.


Many people think of France when thinking if macaroons but in fact there are very famous confectioneries that do delicious macaroons in Switzerland. Pinga had some time in Zurich airport and she took this photo.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mamma and pappa!

Momo-chan found this photo book from Pingu and Pinga wedding reception in Tokyo. He was looking at the photos and recognized both Pingu and Pinga even though were dressed up.

On thin ice?

Pingu and Momo-chan walked to the pond where there are lots of frogs in the summer. At this time there is ice covering the whole pond so they walked around on it for a bit. It creaked a bit when they came towards the middle so they went back to the shore again but not before Momo-chan mimicked Pingu taking off his gloves to capture this photo.


It was such a lovely day with sun and almost no wind so Pingu and Momo-chan went out to play. Pingu made snowballs and Momo-chan arranged them. "This one is mom's snowball"

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Finally we could meet our friends! Momo-chan was shy at first but then they had lots of fun and at one time it looked like they were dancing. After a bit of wild playing we decided to go out and play in the snow before returning home. Hope to see you soon again!

Simrishamn harbor

We got a hold of our friends and they said they would not come until 4pm so Pingu and Momo-chan drove to the harbor and had a look. It was sunny but it was windy and cold. The water around the boats was frozen and we wondered if they could sail out even if they wanted too.

Art exhibition

We were expecting to find our friends at the exhibition but they did not come until later so we had a look around. Momo-chan was not so interested in the paintings though.


After a drive to Simris for an art exhibition Pingu and Momo-chan decided to do some fika. Momo-chan was not so fond of the apple pie but ate all the custard instead. He even got some extra from the kind staff.

Here kitty kitty

Momo-chan spotted a cat at the stables and it was quite friendly. After some petting it started to roll on the ground.


Pingu and Momo-chan went to say hi to the horses. It is still quite cold and they found a lot of ice hanging from one of the poles at the stables.

Cheese fondue at home

Pinga had this cheese fondue at home at her friend. It was nice with lots of vegetables too.

Beautiful Geneva

Pinga is in Geneva visiting her friend. It's cloudy and cold but still much warmer than in Lund.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A bit of snow

Momo-chan said 'not much snow 雪 無い' this morning. Guessing that it's not much show sho that he can ride a sleigh. Here's Momo-chan trying to make a snow ball. It was not easy as his the other hand was holding on to a twig as usual.

Going out?

As Momo-chan was walking around with Pinga's bag she asked him 'Are you going somewhere?' then he answered 'Dagis! (daycare)' but it was in the evening.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good job Momo-chan

It was not too much snow so Momo-chan could carry it all the way to the street. Good job Momo-chan!

Snow shoveling Momo-chan

It was Momo-chan's first time shoveling snow all by himself. Pinga was impressed by him continue doing it.

In the boat

It snowed until lunch time so the snow was remaining on the ground. Momo-chan went into this boat outside of his daycare.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Minus 2C degrees and snowing

It still feels berry much like winter in Lund. It was cold and snowing but Momo-chan has lots of energy. He found even bigger twig than yesterday.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Usual morning

Momo-chan got off Pinga's bike, found a twig, then walked towards his department of daycare. It was a big twig he picked up this morning!

Cozy on the cushion

Here they are on the cushion ready to sleep?

Sitting together

They are more than one year apart but they played together.