Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tiger in the making

Momo-chan had his face painted for the first time today. He hesitated at the beginning but was sitting still the rest of time.

Friendly goats

In the way to Hot Badgastein, they met deers, rabbits, cats and goats. These goats were so friendly and ate grasses from their hands.

Bad Gastein to Hof Badgastein

The hike from the hotel to the next town Hof Badgastein was longer than they thought it would be. But the scenery along was so beautiful.

Momo-chan joining the hike

With this special backpack, Momo-chan joined today's hiking. He had fun. But Pingu was a bit extra tired.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hello cows!

Going downhill

Downhill was more difficult than going up as it was muddy and slippery.

At the top

After an hour and a bit of climbing, they have reached the top. Great view!

Hiking in Bad Gastein

Pingu, Pinga and her mom went mountain hiking with a guide this morning. It was ok weather. Guide person told us it's unusually rainy and cold this year and there's very much snow on the mountains.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Gladiator Momo-chan

They came to Bad Gastein. This hotel is very friendly and has a very nice kids play room. Here's Gladiator Momo-chan cooking.

Leaving Zell am See

This morning they took a train from Zell am See station. It was good weather yesterday but it was rainy again today. Doesn't feel much like summer...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Reunion after 25 years

Pinga's family used to come to Zell an See for skiing. They came to the town six times and the last skiing trip was in 1988. They stayed at a pension owned by a Japanese lady and yesterday they met after 25 years. It was quite a surprise for her that Pinga's family came but since she has been thinking of them, it was a pleasant surprise. They had a lot to talk about. She was very nice and invited them to her home and treated them for a nice lunch. Today they met again at a golf club for dinner. Very nice view, delicious food and good company.

Bicycling away

Momo-chan went to a swimming pool in the morning and then went bicycling around the lake with Pingu in the afternoon. Here's Momo-chan waving to Pinga and Pinga's mom.

Kebab lunch

There are very many middle eastern people in Zell am See. Therefore there are some middle eastern cuisine in town. Today they were at a restaurant run by Turkish people and Pingu had kebab. It was tasty.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Momo-chan and the garden gentlemen

Momo-chan is funny. He just sat down next to those guys in the garden abws said 'oh your hat is broken!'

Pension Alpenrose

This is the pension they are staying. Nice and flowery.

Schwartzwald kirsh cake

They had a cake break in the morning. Momo-chan liked the cake too.


They took a bus and went to a neighboring town Kaplun today. The weather was not good but they enjoyed it.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Momo-chan and Anka

The pension they are staying have two dogs, Anka and Astar. Anka came to say hello when they weedy were playing card game.

Come back sun!

It has been rainy three days in a row in Zell am See. They can not even see the top of Schmittenhöhe. Come back sun!

プールの帰り道 On the way cash 'll back from pool

As it's rainy today as well, they went to a swimming pool again. Momo-chan enjoyed it a lot. Here's Momo-chan going home with his turtle swim ring.


Pinga ordered her favourite dish germknödel at the mountain top restaurant. It's an yeast dumpling with plum jam inside. It was not too sweet and tasty.

Ready for swimming

Momo-chan walked to the swimming pool like this. He was very much ready to swim with God's his new swim tool. He enjoyed the pool and slider a lot.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

湖でボート Boat ride at Zeller See lake

Four of them went boat ride on the lake. There were other boats and also swans to avoid but Pingu drove the boat well.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mirabell garden

Momo-chan and Pingu going through tree tunnel.

Cable car to Hohen Salzburg

They are in Salzburg now. Over 30 degrees and Momo-chan is very sweaty like he just took a bath. Cable car to the castle was very popular but very short.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer day in Salzburg

It's very warm in Salzburg. Over 30C degrees. They were on their way to cable car station.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gold fish in jelly ゼリー『金魚すくい』

Pinga's mom brought a jelly from Tokyo as Momo-chan loves it. Today's jelly had gold fish shape in it. Momo-chan enjoyed it a lot

Moomin balloon ムーミン熱気球

As it was a calm evening, three hot air balloon came by our house. One of them was this Moomin hot air balloon. First time seeing Moomin on a balloon.

Temaki sushi at home 手巻き寿司

Pinga's mom prepared temaki (hand roll) sushi this evening with variety of fish like tuna, salmon, octopus, mentaiko and ikura (salmon roe). It was very tasty. Pinga and Momo-chan loved this ikura temaki.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Window cleaning

Pingu has been dating he wants to clean the windows abs today he did. Momo-chan joined Pingu a bit too.


Momo-chan and Pinga run into this athletic event. Very many people running through the city of Malmö.

Momo-chan by the sea

It was nice and sunny abs they could see the bridge to Denmark well. Momo-chan felt the sea water and said it was cold. It was 16C degrees according to the lifeguards.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Grass mowing

Pingu was working on the garden and Pinga was cleaning inside the house. Momo-chan helped Pingu in the garden.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rainy morning

It was rainy all day from the morning today. Pinga forgot rain pants and that was a painful mistake.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Friends visit

Momo-chan's friends came for dinner this evening. They had lots of fun together.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tire rolling

Momo-chan became happy when Pingu and Pinga cane to pick him up as he waited longer than usual because of the development talk with his teacher.

Italian lunch

Pingu and Pinga tried a new Italian restaurant for lunch. Dishes looked good but tasted so so. Pinga's pasta didn't have much taste and Pingu's pizza was too salty. They'll try this place one more tune to see if it's any better. It's not easy to find a good restaurant in Lund...

Water pistol

Momo-chan was exited with his new toy, a water pistol. He was happily running around with it.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Scotch birthday

Pinga and Pingu were thinking of me as it's my birthday today. Wish I could spend some more time with them.

Present from a friend

Momo-chan received this cute mini train set from his friend. Very nice!

I want to help!

Momo-chan came into kitchen saying 'I want to help!' to Pinga. So here he is helping making muffins.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Here are home grown rhubarbs.

Rhubarb in the garden

As the rhubarbs in the garden have grown. Pingu and Momo-chan harvested some today. Here's Momo-chan helping Pingu pulling rhubarb out.

Eating freshly harvested rhubarb

Momo-chan ate one of the rhubarbs on the spot. He seemed to like the sour taste. The rest of the rhubarb became a rhubarb apple pie.

No tulips

Momo-chan was a bit disappointed as there was no tulip in the neighbors garden. It seems like all the tulips are already gone.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Play date

They were at their friends place for afternoon tea. Momo-chan enjoyed playing with other kids.


They stopped at IKEA one more time too have lunch. Momo-chan enjoyed the kids section.

Lieutenant's heart

This pink flower is called Lieutenant's heart as it's heart shaped. Pinga thought it's lovely.

Watering flowers together

Momo-chan loves to be outside. He was watering flowers with his bonus cousin. What is bonus cousin? Pingu's brother got divorced and engaged to another lady that has two kids. She is one of those kids.

Momo-chan's favourite cousin

Momo-chan met his favorite cousin for the second time. He is six years old. Momo-chan followed him everywhere and imitated him. Here they are watching Tom and Jerry and Pink panther.