Saturday, May 31, 2014

Barbecuing dinner

They went to use barbecue equipment on the sun deck to cook dinner. It took a while to finish barbecuing but it was nice and sunny.

Dim sum lunch in Chinatown

They walked down to Chinatown and had dim sum lunch. The restaurant has received many positive reviews and it was true to those comments. Everything was tasty!

Going home

It didn't go so well for the Japanese pitcher Iwakuma. When they left, it was 2-5 and the game was lead by Tigers.

Safeco field

They came to watch Mariners vs Tigers this evening. It was a hut day so people who came early received huts. Momo-chan got one for kids as well. But he was very tired abs feel asleep right after the game started around 7pm.

Finally... Swimming pool

Momo-chan wanted to come to the pool all day so he was very happy to be finally there.

Mariner's official shop

They went to check a jacket for Pinga's dad at this Mariner's store in downtown. Momo-chan was busy trying out stuff.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Flower shops

Momo-chan was,fascinated by colorful flowers at a flower corner. If you pay ten dollars, you could already get very nice,  big flower bouquet. That's cheaper than in Japan or Sweden for sure.

Taking a walk

They went out for a walk. There are ups and downs. It was up and up from the waterfront to Pike market. This is view from Pike market.

Dinner at Elliot's

Considering just three hours of sleep on the flight, Momo-chan was well and active. He got tired and bored at the restaurant but he got his focus back when this cram and mussels dish came. He ate very well.

At Heathrow

Momo-chan got really excited when he saw a bubble milk tea shop at Heathrow terminal 5. He came running to Pinga "Puyo puyo!" So they got one for him. But when buying, shop attendant asked Pinga if it's for her or for Momo-chan. When answered it was for him, she said they are not allowed to sell it as there's choking risk. Recommended age is from six. Pinga changed her answer and they bought one anyway.

Turtle Momo-chan

Pingu avd Momo-chan went to buy a booster seat for Momo-chan. Came back home and Momo-chan became a turtle!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Water pistols

Momo-chan had fun shooting with water pistols as it was very warm and sunny. But when Pinga shot back at him, he got upset and said he didn't want to be wet. Later, he gave up and enjoyed playing with them more.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Pingu and his visting friend made a trip to Bjärred seaside and walked the extremely long pier. It was great weather and they enjoyed the clear sky. They could even see Copenhagen across the water.

Lund asparagus

There are a couple of booths like this around Lund that sells locally grown asparagus. Nice and big! They go by the honor system and after closing time you can buy and leave your payment in a container by the hut.

Picknick in the park

Pingu, Momo-chan and the friend from the US has a picknick in the Lund city park. Pingu arranged drinks and things to eat. Another friend showed up and brought marshmallows and a one time grill. Momo-chan enjoyed it a lot.

Huge rhubarbs!

Pingu and Momo-chan went to see an open house for some friends. The garden was big and look at these huge rhubarbs!

Hedgehog on the run

Pingu and Pinga had an anniversary dinner on Saturday and when walking back home they saw a hedgehog. It was very shy and this is the only photo they managed to take.

EU voting

Yesterday was a day of many activities. It started with picking up a friend from the US that came to visit. After they came back home they walked to the daycare building that had been turned into a voting center for the day. The voting was for European Parliament elections.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pink beard Momo-chan

He got this pink beard after eating cotton candy.

Cotton candy

Momo-chan was very happy to get this big cotton candy. He asked for help later to eat it up as it was still big.

We are going downhill

Momo-chan was very much ready to go downhill.

Ride number 4

On the contrary to the other one, this ride ended quite quickly.

Here we go!

So here's Momo-chan ready to ride. It was tougher than it looked and not only Momo-chan but Pinga thought it was enough when they were half way through. Momo-chan said "Mouii" multiple times.

Waiting in line

To Pinga's surprise, Momo-chan wanted to ride this one. They waited their turn in a queue but he didn't change his mind.

Second ride

First one Momo-chan rode with Pinga. This is the second one and he looked quite serious.

Carnival in Eslöv

Momo-chan and Pinga visited their friend in Eslöv. There was this moving amusement park today. Pinga got five riding tickets for Momo-chan. He did he wanted to ride this one, then he changed his mind.

Friday, May 23, 2014

New glasses?

Pingu went to pickup his new glasses today. Momo-chan came with riding behind Pingu's bike. At the glass store Momo-chan tried on a pair of glasses too. Sophisticated Momo-chan!

When asked how Pingu's looked in his new glasses, he replied "happy".

Thursday, May 22, 2014


After the picknick both parents and kids played together. This game was a type of musical chairs game where the hoops were removed as they went along. This was at the end when there was just one hoop left so everyone joined in with a finger each.

Daycare picnick!

Today it was yet again warm and sunny. At 5 PM the daycare had a picknick. Momo-chan had "ants in his pants" so to say and did not eat much but played with his friends.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Still light at 20:30

Pinga walked to a nearby bus stop to see her friend off. It was around 8:30 pm but still light. Day will get longer and longer for another month.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

State archive

Here is Momo-chan with a bunch of Russian tourists. Momo-chan was very curious and wanted to know where they are from so Pinga asked and it was Moscow. Momo-chan wanted to follow them.

I can't reach!

Momo-chan found another fountain like thing. He wants to touch the water every time.

Where is Momo-chan?

Momo-chan finds fun everywhere. He found this restaurant sign and got inside anf god himself.
By the way, lunch in Geneve costs twice as much from Sweden.

Caran d'ache store

Pinga liked this store from the previous visit so they went there. Here's Momo-chan checking out court palettes. Pinga got 4 new crayons for him.

Geneve old town

Momo-chan and Pinga took a bus to old town. There are many fountains like this in town and Momo-chan gets curious whenever he sees them.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Very tired

They feel asleep on the way home abs didn't wake up for dinner. Good that Pinga's friend had bananas for all the kids.

On the pedal boat

Kids wanted to be on the boat so they rented a pedaling boat. An hour passed kind of quickly. Momo-chan got to try pedaling too.

To the lake

Very popular attraction

This spinning thing was very popular. Momo-chan went to join and his friend wanted to be on it too. But they seemed to help telling him that he couldn't be on as it was already crowded with many kids.

Seesaw French shape

Despite very warm weather, they were energetic and ran around at a playground.

Happy Momo-chan

Here's close up of Momo-chan. He wanted to come close to Pinga again and again.

Ice cream time

Momo-chan picked mango and Pinga picked pineapple flavour. Momo-chan's friend picked melon flavour. They were tasty.

Dedication ice cream app

It was very sunny so they went for ice cream break.


As the kids were tired, they went to have lunch. Momo-chan and Pinga liked this French version of pizza. Pizza without any tomato sauce.

Arrived in Annecy

They drove an hour to a French town Annecy. Arrived just before lunch time.

Piece sign

It was really sunny from the start to the end today. So they stated a day with pancake and then went to a nearby park. Pinga got surprised to see this photo as she didn't notice Momo-chan did piece sign when she took this photo.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Lots of strawberries

They picked strawberries fit about half an hour.

Strawberry picking

They went to pick strawberries at nearby strawberry farm. Not so easy to find the ones that are all the way red. They enjoyed it a lot.

Smoothie break

They drove to Ferney in France to do some food shopping. Very sunny day!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Bacon rolked asparagus

Pinga had tough time finding bacon at a supermarket but she did and made this dish together with Okonomiyaki. Kids seemed to like them.