Monday, June 30, 2014

At the airport 空港にて

Momo-chan saw so many of Swiss flags during four days that he could recognise it. Pinga asked if he knows how Swedish flag or Japanese flag look like. The answer was no. Here's Momo-chan checking out Swiss souvenirs.

High up on a rope ship ロープの船

To Pinga's surprise, Momo-chan climb up this ship with no difficulty. They had fun climbing up and down. It got better weather in the afternoon.

Pine cones 松ぼっくり

They wanted to take pine comes but it was too high up for them. Momo-chan came with this long twig to get them.

Sniff sniff... くんくん...

Momo-chan found these interesting looking flowers. He was sniffing them but they almost had no smell.

Popular fig tree イチジクの木

This fig tree had four kids climbing on it at the same time. It was a bit difficult for Momo-chan to climb and Pinga helped him out. Pinga noticed that it is a fig tree as she has recently seen them at her friends place in Italy.

Done bathing 水遊び終了

It was a bit chilly so they decided to move to a playground just next to the pool.

Mini pool 小さなプール

It was around 9:30 when they arrived here by the water side. They realised that it was not so warm but they went into it anyway. There were just them and another girl.

Sunny morning 晴れた朝

Weather changed from rain, sun, and rain again on Sunday. Sun came back on Monday morning so they decided to go to a mini pool. Can you see there is Jet d'Eau far away?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cake time ケーキの時間

They tried hard to eat up their lunch as they wanted to have cake. Look how focused they were.

On the slide 一緒に滑り台

Because of the rain, slide was a bit wet but they did not care. So they had fun with a bit wet pants. But later, on a bigger slide, Pinga slid with Momo-chan and hit her butt really badly...ouch!

Rainy Sunday 雨の日曜日

Just as the forecast, it rained on Sunday. When it became not much rain, they went out to a playground. They had fun.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Jet d'Eau 大噴水

They found a good place to watch this famous fountain of Geneva. They had snack and enjoyed the breeze. There were many people at this park by the lake.

Arrived at Lake Léman レマン湖畔到着

They took a walk to old town to the lake for a picnic. A bit windy but still a good weather.

On the way to lake レマン湖へ

Drinking water for everyone

There are these dining water fountains here and there in Geneva. Momo-chan and his friend enjoyed playing with water.

Friday, June 27, 2014

No frogs yet?

After the bike ride to the sheep yesterday they also visited the pond that has a lot of frogs in the summer. They looked but could not find any frogs this time. Disappointed!

Say baaaa!

Momo-chan is in Geneva with Pinga but yesterday evening Momo-chan wanted to go on a bike ride with Pingu so they went by the sheep. Momo-chan and Pingu called for them saying baaaa and the sheep responded. They even ate some grass from Momo.chan's hand.

Cute times two

This is a photo from last weekend actually. Momo-chan wanted to wear this cute hat. Cute Momo-chan!

Assembling a bed?!

All of a sudden he came back home with these boxes from Ikea and started building a bed. So Momo-chan and Pinga couldn't sleep on a guest bed.

I'll examine you Beluga!

Momo-chan found doctors kit and started to see a patient beluga.

搭乗直前 just before boarding

Here's Momo-chan checking out all those interesting airport vehicles. They took off for Geneve to visit their friend.

On the camel

Momo-chan said the destination is the sea.

Swiss camel

Arrived in Geneve abd they went to a nearby playground. There was this camel. Momo-chan and Pinga thought it has too red lips though.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

久々のひよ子 Sweet from Japan

Pinga enjoyed her favorite sweet from Japan. Pinga's parents brought it to Seattle and it came to Sweden. It's not only cute but tasty.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

トトロだ! Meeting Totoro

Pingu had a surprise for Momo-chan. He set up Totoro for 3D glasses. Cab you see it's Totoro on the screen? Momo-chan could rend Totoro an umbrella. Very nice.

バスタブで野菜栽培 Bathtub gardening

They went by a school and there carrots and potatoes are growing in bathtubs. Innovative gardening!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Getting closer

Just like Deja-vu, Bolt doesn't like small kids as they are a bit rough and also unpredictable. But they narrowed their distance through time.

Taking a walk

They went to visit their friend. Momo-chan was happy to go for a walk with Bolt and his master. Bolt likes tree sticks just like Momo-chan.

White flowers

Momo-chan noticed that this plant has started to bloom. He was quite excited and said bees are coming to those flowers.

公園にて at a playground

After picking cherries from cherry trees, Momo-chan said he wanted to play at the playground. It was rainy earlier but the weather was good when they were there.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

On the dolphin

This dolphin was too big for Momo-chan to hold onto last summer but now he can hold in to those handles. He is ready for beach. Let's hope it gets warmer soon.

3D glasses

Kids had fun trying our these 3D glasses. They could experience walking with dinosaurs, going downhill skiing, riding a spaceship and so on. Momo-chan likes it a lot.

Swinging with Hello Kitty

They had a family visited this afternoon. Momo-chan's friend came with Hello Kitty and they were swinging together. Momo-chan pushed Hello Kitty as she cannot get speed herself.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Out again

They went out again while it was not raining to this stone tower. It was fun with soccer ball catching down and up the tower.

Sudden rain

They went out for a walk after lunch then all of a sudden string rain. Typical midsommar weather. It rained on and off afterward.


They were invited to friends home for Peruvian food, juanes. Here's Momo-chan curiously looking at it before he dug in. It was delicious.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Swedish strawberries

As it's midsommar eve, Pingu's sister came for dinner. She brought these Swedish strawberries, ice cream and whipped cream. Momo-chan chose combination of strawberries and whipped cream and he ate very well.

Little helper

After cutting Momo-chan helped Pingu gathering and putting away leaves. Momo-chan is good at helping Pingu and Pinga.


Momo-chan and Pinga watched Pingu cutting from far away. Good job Pingu!

生け垣の手入れ Cutting plant

Momo-chan got ready for electric plant cutter. Pinga was worried about it as her friend once got injured by electric chainsaw.

Hello sheep!

They tried to feed them. Pingu got to feed a sheep but other ones didn't come so close to them. Momo-chan was happy to see them up close.


Momo-chan found some sheep. He said he wanted to see them.

Snack time

On the hill, they took a break and ate some snack. Momo-chan likes these sticks that he dips into chocolate cream and eats.

Great view

On to of the hill was this great view. Weather was great too.

Going up the hill


At Billebjer, there were rocks and pond. Here they are by the pond.


They went out for a mini hiking and Momo-chan found this tall flower. Their friend said that heart medicine can be made from this flower.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Heart shaped watermelon

Momo-chan found out that this watermelon piece looks like a heart.

Otokomae (handsome) tofu

Momo-chan likes to eat tofu with sesame sauce. He had tofu handcarried by Pinga's parents this evening. He asked what the character means to Pinga. The character "otoko"means man in Japanese.

Unstable weather

Tomorrow is midsummer day. It is not unusual to rain. It rained lunch time and dinner time today. Let's see what kind of weather it will be tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sunglasses Momo-chan

Momo-chan likes his sunglasses. Here's cool Momo-chan on baby swing. He is15kg and slender so he can still use swing for babies.