Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kabuto 兜

Momo-chan made this kabuto with his Japanese teacher. Well made and it can actually be put on his head.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Let's begin!

Before they begun, they gathered, bowed to their teacher while saying "Sensei ni rei (bow to the teacher)" It sounded a bit different so took a bit for Pinga to realize that it was Japanese. Cool!

Before the training

Momo-chan arrived half an hour before but so was his friend. They had some play time before the session begun.

House of samurai

Momo-chan's friend goes to jujutsu class so Pinga and Momo-chan went to see how he trains. Pinga was surprised to see the gate to the locale.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fried rice

Today's dinner was fried rice and Momo-chan helped Pinga almost all the way till it's done. He is becoming good kitchen help. He ate well too.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mowing lawn together

Momo-chan mowed lawn together with Pingu. They had fun. Good job Momo-chan!

Ready for lawn mowing

Momo-chan recovered from jetlag and he is up until 8pm or so these days. After dinner, Pingu and Momo-chan went out for mowing lawn.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Dandelions from Momo-chan

Momo-chan stopped and picked these dandelions and have them to Pinga on the way to a supermarket. Pinga kept them like this.

Yogurt mustache

He also had fun making yogurt mustache.

Lemon yogurt drink

Momo-chan was thirsty on the way to supermarket. So he got this lemon yogurt drink. He liked it a lot.


Then they biked to a supermarket. Momo-chan helped Pinga with kids shopping cart. He stopped and called Pinga s he found salmon corner. He loves salmon among other things.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Beer by the Spree

Just south of the main station lies Capita Beach with its sun chairs, bar and music. Today it was quite hot in the sun and they enjoyed it thoroughly.

Berlin main station

Pingu had some time in his own today. After that he took a S bahn train to join up with the others. He arrived at the main station and it is quite an impressive building with lots of glass.

Curry wurst

When in Berlin of course you can't leave without having some curry wurst. This one from Curry 61 near Hackeshe Marckt.

Narrow place

Momo-chan wanted to use this thin head for vacuum cleaner. Here he is cleaning some places narrow. Good job Momo-chan!

Vacuum cleaning Momo-chan

Pinga started vacuum cleaning and off course, Momo-chan wanted to help out. He is detailed so did good job doing this.


Yesterday evening they had dinner in West Berlin. Afterwards they had some drinks at a nearby restaurant. This time they decided to skip beers and instead went for sangria.

Walking along the Spree

Yesterday was also a lot of walking even though it was not as much as Friday (19 000 steps). They walked west along the Spree river and on to the Brandenburger Tor. This was a nice stop along the way with both drinks and dancing going on.

The Stasi museum

Yesterday Pingu and friends went to the Berlin stasi museum. It was fascinating and scary. Pingu drew many parallels to North Korea.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Drawing Madagascar characters

Momo-chan watched Madagascar two days in a row. Momo-chan and Pinga noticed that there is game in the DVD. One of it explains how to draw each character. They follows instructions and drew these.

Berlin graffiti

Berlin is full of graffiti. This one reminded Pingu a bit of the cute Japanese manga drawing style.

Hungry birds

They ate yesterday lunch on a boat and towards the end this small bird came to visit them at the table.


Pingu is in Berlin with friends this weekend. Yesterday they walked along the Spree river and a section of the wall.

Friday, May 22, 2015

After bath

Momo-chan was mischievous this evening as well. After taking a bath, first he found Pinga's watch and tried it on. Then he took Pinga's jeans and tried to put it on as well.

Cool Momo-chan

They got off the car and Momo-chan walked into the sunshine and said "take a photo of me." So here is a cool shot of Momo-chan!

Face powder Momo-chan

When Pinga was putting some face powder on, Momo-chan came and dais he wanted to do it too. So here he is trying.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Big swing

There are this kind of big swings in Sweden. Momo-chan had fun together with his friends.

Ruining at playground

After daycare, Momo-chan followed one of his friend almost to her home. Then he met two other boys from his daycare. So they ended up playing together at this playground.

Monkey Momo-chan

Momo-chan said he would show Pinga something and he did this. Pinga said "Koala Momo-chan!" then he said "No, I'm a monkey!"

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tired Momo-chan

Although not sleeping a lot, Momo-chan was fine at daycare. Pinga asked the teacher of he was sleepy and she answered he was just fine. She was surprised to hear that they arrived home midnight yesterday. Momo-chan had early dinner and feel asleep on a sofa around 18.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Arrived in Copenhagen

After 19 hours, they arrived in Copenhagen. Here's Momo-chan happily pulling his new bag that he likes a lot.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Testing Tesla

After the beach, they went to century city to get some frozen yogurt as Pingu was craving for it. There is Tesla showroom and Momo-chan tried sitting on a driver's seat. Very nice!

Walking on the beach

They went to Santa Monica beach for the last time of this travel. Momo-chan enjoyed walking on the sand. He didn't change to his bathing pants this time though.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Onizuka memorial in Little Tokyo

They went to have dinner in Little Tokyo. Momo-chan got excited to see this space shuttle Onizuka memorial.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Mini vacuum cleaner

When he saw this mini vacuum cleaner in action, he of course wanted to try. So here he is happily trying it.

USA puzzle

Momo-chan received this USA puzzle from Pinga's friend. It shows symbolic things and capital for each state. Momo-chan's favorite piece is Hawaii with pineapple on it as he loves Lilo and Stitch movie and he wants to go there.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

NHRA Motorsports museum

Because of all the rain they decided to do some indoor activity. They visited a nearby car museum with many different race cars focused on dragracing cars and speed record cars. Here Momo-chan is trying out one of the race cars.

Wheelbarrow Momo-chan

Momo-chan really likes their friend and they had lots of fun together. The wheelbarrow walk was one of his favorites today and he did it many times.

Recycling sorting

Tzu chi manufactures many things from recycled plastic and other materials. They found that some things had been incorrectly sorted so they helped put them right.

Tzu chi in San Dimas

Today they went to visit their friend at Tzu Chi USA headquarters in San Dimas where he works. It was raining a lot today and Momo-chan held his own umbrella. This photo was taken just after they had a tasty vegan lunch.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Yakitori dinner

They went to this yakitori place for dinner. Chefs are Japanese and it was delicious.

Jacaranda trees

Pinga's favourite flowers are still in bloom. Momo-chan liked the smell from the flowers.

UCLA sculpture garden

They visited Pinga's school briefly. Momo-chan likes to make same pose as statues these days.

Hot wheels ramp

Momo-chan gör another present today. He really enjoys it and want to race with it a lot.

First taste of Sarsaparilla

Pingu was curious about this old fashioned soda called Sarsaparilla so he bought one. It tasted basically like root beer and was not much to his liking but Momo-chan liked it.

Everything bacon

After lunch they went into a candy shop that has all types of candies and sodas. One shelf had everything with bacon theme. Wow!

UCLA lunch

Today they went to visit Pinga's old colleagues from UCLA. They arrived early and walked around campus first.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Corn cat

Momo-chan made this corn cat. He enjoyed white corn two days in a row.

Ice cream time

After lunch was ice cream time for kids. Pinga was surprised that he finished big ice cream by himself.

Common ground

After the Hello Kitty exhibition they went through the permanent exhibition: Common ground. Momo-chan had fun with his friend who is five year old as well.