Monday, August 31, 2015

Maharaja Momo-chan

After Momo-chan bath, Pingu made this maharaja style head wear for him.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Another playdate

Then they went to Pinga's Japanese friend's place for another playdate. There were five kids.

Where is Momo-chan?

Then they went into this barley field with barefoot. Must be nice to do that.


There was this mini cable way besides the playground. They had fun riding r this.

Climbing and climbing

Momo-chan and Pinga went to their friend's place for scones. After tasty scones, they went out to a playground. Both of them likes to climb up and up.

Cleaning Momo-chan

Pinga found Momo-chan cleaning a sink like this. Is it Pingu gene that he seems to like cleaning?

Big slider

Then there was this blog slider too. Weather was great and they had fun.


Pinga cut Momo-chan bangs as they got long. He had fun looking at himself on the mirror.

Friday, August 28, 2015

OMG double jet trails :)

Pingu and Momo-chan came out from the shopping center and saw these jet trails lit up by the sun. Looked quite cool!

Paprika harvest

Momo-chan and Pingu decided that the paprika was not going to turn red or yellow so they picked the green paprika from the window plant. It was sweet and tasty.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Barley harvest

Pingu and Momo-chan went walking after dinner. They saw that the nearby barley field was being harvested so they went closer to take a look.

Muffin forms

Momo-chan always wants to help Pinga in the kitchen. She was baking carrot muffins for her colleagues. He came and put muffin forms in place. Good job Momo-chan!

Monday, August 24, 2015

結婚式 Weeding in Skanör

Pingu and Pinga were at their friends wedding in Skanör. Perfect weather, 25C and sunny, and happy wedding couple.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Momo-chan got to play at one of his favorite friend's place today. They had a lot of fun together and were mischievous like usual.

Floss you teeth

Pingu's friend's parents are both dentists and he told Momo-chan how important flossing is for healthy teeth. He then proceeded to floss Momo-chan's teeth. Good job both of you!

Kite flying

Momo-chan was very happy when Pingu and his friend came to pick him up from daycare. They went to fly kite a bit since it was quite windy yesterday. The tail of the kite is transparent and colourful and they had fun looking through it just like sunglasses.

Hovdala hiking

They brought some sandwiches and snacks and headed out onto the trails around Hovdala castle. There is a mix of forest and open fields and it was a very nice walk. There is also a large "tree house" which is a café but unfortunately they have already closed for the season.

Hovdala castle

Pingu's friend from LA came to visit yesterday and Pingu took the day off to hang out with him. It was superb weather and they decided to do some hiking close to Hovdala castle (about an hour north of Lund).

Monday, August 17, 2015

Macaroon time

Momo-chan and Pinga enjoyed macaroons by Pierre Herme. They traveled from Qatar, Kuwait, Tallinn to Lund.


Momo-chan was a good shopping assistant choosing scarves for Pinga's mom.

View of old town

There they had this great view of Tallinn old town.

Bright sunshine

Here's Momo-chan at the top.he quickly went around the tower.

Almost there

They were coming close to the top of the tower.

Going up 258 m

At Oleviste church, visitors can climb the tower. So they tried it too. Momo-chan did good job climbing up. It was not easy passing by people coming down as the stairs were very nallow.

Summer event

On the square, there was a stage and live music was playing and people were dancing to it. Some of them had traditional Estonian clothes on. Very nice!

Pumpkin soup

The last meal in Tallinn was at this very nice restaurant. They shared pumpkin soup and Momo-chan had kids pasta. Lids pasta was just 3.5 euro but it was a lot and tasty. No wonder this restaurant is very popular.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Kids steak at Peppersack

Usually Momo-chan has same food as Pinga. But today he had this kids portion beef steak. It was nicely cooked and Momo-chan liked it.

Where's Momo-chan?

They took a walk at St. Catherine's passage. It's a nice small street with these arches. Can you find where Momo-chan is?

Estonian cat

Here's Momo-chan waving Estonian flag with a cat knit hat on. He seemed to like these mini flags a lot.

Friday, August 14, 2015

On the Thomas train

They were on this mini train this morning. It was a twenty minutes ride around the old city. To their disappointment, there was no audio guide.

Cafe latte Momo-chan

Momo-chan really liked case latte he tasted and ended up taking it over from the original owner. They have also enjoyed the cake as well.

Mmm tasty pancakes

Momo-chan started off with sweet pancake and then meat one. He ate well.

Pancake house

They had lunch at a Pancake house and ordered one with minced meat and another one with peach and bree. They were huge and very tasty.

Tallinn old town

Momo-chan abs Pinga arrived in Tallinn yesterday. It was warmer than expected. They took a walk in medieval old town.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


After dropping off garden trash this green little fellow was left in the car. Momo-chan was very interested and carried him out into the garden.

Garden trash

Pingu did some hedge and tree trimming yesterday. Today Pingu and Momo-chan went to drop off the garden trash at the city dump. Thank you for helping Momo-chan!

Super soaked

A very heavy rainfall came this morning while Pingu dropped Momo-chan off at daycare. Mom-chan had to change clothes and dry them. Pingu also had to change his pants at home and put proper rain clothes on. Even so, his shoes and lower part of his jeans became completely soaked. His backpack was wet in the bottom. Just wow.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Curious Linus

While they had dinner at a terrace he checked what's going on on the table like this twice.


Pinga was at her friend's place and he had this cat, Linus. Pinga thought he looks a bit like me.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Crab fishing in Arild

When they reached Arild harbor there was a lot of people enjoying the nice weather. After having some ice cream Momo-chan went to look at some kids fishing crabs by the harbor side. Momo-chan was quite fascinated and wanted to try as well. Next time, we will try as well.

Warm and sunny

Walking back was nice and warm. A good combination of sun and ocean breeze.

Camp site breakfast

They had breakfast at the camp site and then got ready to leave and walk back to Arild again.