Sunday, January 31, 2016

I can carry!

Momo-chan tries to help out with everything these days. Here's Momo-chan carrying shopping basket for Pinga.

First playdate

Momo-chan and Pinga visited her former colleague and his family. It was their first time. Momo-chan was very shy for the first five minutes then played well with this boy who will be three year old in May.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ironing Momo-chan

Momo-chan made iron beads Totoro and here he is ironing it to fix. Pinga was very nervous watching him doing it though.

New oven

Here are coockies in the oven. With the new oven, they can see how it is inside. Before they couldn't see anything. Very nice!

きなこクッキー Coockie baking

Momo-chan is feeling better and now Pingu is sick with same symptom as Momo-chan. Momo-chan and Pinga did some indoor activities and one of them was cookie making. Here's Momo-chan helping mixing dough.

Friday, January 29, 2016

新しいゲーム Playing new game

Momo-chan tried playing a new game this evening. A bit difficult to count points but he did well.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Meerkat Momo-chan

Momo-chan stayed home today as well as he had fever yesterday. He is interested in this book that handles different kinds of animals. Here he is pretending as a meerkat.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kitchen lamp installed

After some phone conversations with the electrician, Pingu mounted the new kitchen lamp. Looking good!

A big package

Momo-chan woke up with fever this morning so Pingu stayed home with him. Just before lunch there was a knock on the door. It was DHL with these big boxes. What could it be? After quite a bit of assembling it was ready, a baby stroller. In mid march there will be two babies coming. Now we are ready!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mounting lamp

Momo-chan is good at helping. Here he is holding a kitchen lamp for Pingu together with Pinga. Unfortunately it couldn't be mounted as they were unsure of which breaker to turn off and there was risk Pingu got electrocuted.

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

Pinga is a big fan of German sweets like baumkuchen and Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. Her colleague from southern Germany baked this cake with his wife. It was delicious. But he did it was not easy finding cherries and cherry juice and cherry kirsch.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Kitchen table in place

Finally they could put the kitchen table in place. Tomorrow they can finally have dinner in the kitchen again.

Kitchen work

Tonight they all worked a bit on the kitchen. Momo-chan helped Pinga with moving stuff from some of the old drawers. Pingu put the fridge and freezer in place so they could get the kitchen table back.

The Creek experience spa treatment

After checking out it was time for the special spa treatment Pingu booked for Pingu and Pinga. It was a two hour long treatment with many stations including foot bath, saunas, hamam, clay and tropical showers. It was very nice and refreshing. Before going home they finished off by relaxing and bathing in the hot outside pools again.

The photo was taken from the spa website (

Hotel breakfast

This morning was very crowded in the hotel breakfast area just like the spa area was just after check-in. The selection was good and tasty. The longest line was for the waffle machines.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Spa surprise

Because of all the kitchen chaos Pingu could not celebrate Pinga in style yesterday on her birthday but today he brought her to a surprise stayover. They are now at Ystad Saltsjöbad spa hotel. They actually have a pretty good outside hot pool.

Kitchen (almost) done

The new kitchen is basically done now. Still some things that need fixing but they can start using it now. Pingu spent several hours last night cleaning. A lot of dust and things to move around.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Birthday cupcakes

Pinga was pleasantly surprised when she came to work this morning. Her colleague baked these chocolate cupcakes for her and Momo-chan. Very sweet colleague!

Ice digging

For Pinga, -3 C degrees was cold. But it was nothing for Momo-chan. He wanted to be out digging into snow turned ice outside of his daycare.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cabinet mounting day 3

Today the cabinet mounting continued and now on the opposite wall. Tomorrow is hopefully the last mounting day.

-8 C degrees

It was cold and foggy today in Lund. Pinga found these frost-covered trees  beautiful.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bullfighter Momo-chan

They had dinner at their friends' place tonight and Momo-chan had a lot of fun playing with his friend. Here they are playing bull and bullfighter.

Cabinet mounting day 2

It is the second day of cabinet mounting and Things are progressing well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Cabinet mounting started

Kitchen renovation continues and today the carpenter started mounting the cabinets on the wall. Unfortunately they discovered that two cabinets was not correct so now the kitchen can not be completely finished this week :(

Nattou package!

Pinga and Momo-chan received a very nice package yesterday. It was full of nattou from Pinga's uncle and his wife. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Play corn

Momo-chan stayed home with Pingu as he was still sick. But he was relatively fine and had more energy than yesterday. He was playing with play corn in the evening.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kitchen renovation mess

Kitchen renovation is ongoing and is right now occupying three rooms. The living room is right now full of kitchen cupboards and appliances.

Old kitchen

They came back very late last night,  actually very early this morning. The kitchen is still being renovated and this is what is left of the old kitchen. Pinga and m om Momo-chan had not been feeling so well today so they were inside resting while Pingu went to the local city recycling station with the old kitchen trash.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Origami moments

They met their friend from long time ago and had lunch together. Then they visited her place and Momo-chan had fun doing origami together with her. She told Pinga origami has anti-aging brain effect.

On the train to Zell am See

Momo-chan wanted to sit next to this young lady. She was traveling with this traditional sleigh. Pinga wondered what she would do with it but didn't have chance to ask.

Bye bye my friend: Part II

Here's Momo-chan hugging and kissing back. Well, Pinga thought they were kissing each other but Momo-chan told her they were actually licking. Hmm...

Bye bye my friend

Here's Momo-chan and his friend hugging good bye. They had fun in the swimming pool, at a ski slope, etc.

Snow removing tractor

Momo-chan and other kids were glued to the window like this when this tractor came.

目玉焼き Sunnyside up

The last breakfast at the child friendly hotel. Pinga was impressed when Momo-chan ordered this fried egg in German language.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Pirates of the Felben

Tonight after dinner there was a pirate party. They got dressed up,  caught a prisoner and found a treasure. Exciting!

Lunch and ludo

After a well deserved lunch at one of the ski restaurants they played Ludo. Momo-chan won!

Momo-chan ski improvement

After completing four days of ski school,  Momo-chan was better at skiing and turned nicely all by himself.

Last ski day

Today was the last day on the slopes for Pingu and he was joined by Momo-chan. It started out very good with nice weather.

Dragon Momo-chan

Here's the end result. Looked very cool on Momo-chan. He wanted to keep it as long as possible and he tried but it came off while playing in the pool.

Dragon in the making

After coming back from skiing, Momo-chan joined face painting session. He chose dragon.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Resterkogel panorama

Today's ski weather was good. It was clear and cold so Pingu enjoyed a lot of snowboarding. Let's hope the weather is great tomorrow as well well since it is time to ski with Momo-chan again.

Torch walk

There was this torch walk after dinner. Here's Momo-chan and friends getting ready with the torches. It was not too cold and 20 minutes walk was a good amount for kids.