Sunday, February 28, 2016

Momo-chan meets the twins

Momo-chan came to see his siblings this afternoon. He was very glad to finally see them. He thought they are cute but a bit most when they cry. He was also concerned for Pinga and asked how it was with the cut. Sweet Momo-chan!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Welcome cute babies!

Yesterday early afternoon Pinga gave birth to these cute two babies. One baby girl and one baby boy. They are all doing fine but a bit tired.

Monday, February 22, 2016


Pinga doesn't have much to blog. So here comes some photos of hospital food. She is really feeling Sweden as there are cooked potatoes almost every meal. Here comes photos of yesterday's lunch and dinner. Lunch was with raspberry dessert.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

See you soon!

Momo-chan and Pingu visited Pinga in the hospital. C-section has been scheduled for tomorrow. See you soon babies say Momo-chan.

Lego fan zone

As they walked out they walked past the Lego fan zone and boy was there lots of huge and impressive stuff there. Momo-chan was most interested in the space ships area.

Lego nexo knights

Momo-chan and Pingu last area visit was to the Lego nexo knights area. It is a new theme with brave knights and evil jesters that have summon some type of army of fire creatures.

Lego Minecraft

The Lego Minecraft area was also very nice. Most of the pieces were large and easy to build with. Pingu built a house while Momo-chan started on one using only shiny pieces.

Porsche 911

This Porsche 911 is half made in lego as you can see. Looks good!

Red legos

This is the red lego section where people where building huge creations from tons of lego all in red. Cool!

First stop: Ninjago

Momo-chan and Pingu made their first stop at the Ninjago area. Here is Momo-chan posing with Kai, the fire ninja.

There was lots of lego to build with of course, Here is Pingu's creation at the Ninjago area.


Today Pingu and Momo-chan visited the LegoWorld event in Copenhagen. It was a surprise for Momo-chan and he was very excited when he found out. 

He got a kid ticket by the nice train conductor on the way over.

Momo-chan is posing by the first Lego world sign they saw.

And they are in! It is a huge convention area and there was lots of lego and people. This photo was taken just after they opened so not that many people just yet.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hospital dinner

Yesterday's check up resulted in Pinga's hospitalization. So it was the second day at the hospital. Hospital food is outsourced to Sodexo and it's quite modern. Today's dinner was couscous with bean sauce. It wasn't appearing visually but Pinga was positively surprises by the taste.

Momo-chan = Garfield?

Momo-chan watched a movie about Garfield the cat today and was inspired and wanted lasagna for dinner (Garfield's favorite dish).

Visiting Pinga in the hospital

The twins are not growing like they should so Pinga was admitted to the hospital yesterday. Everything else looks fine but they will most likely take them out within as couple of days. So maybe this is the last photo of Pinga's big stomach.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pinga trousers

Of course, he tried Pinga trousers as well.

Pinga clothes

Momo-chan wanted to try Pinga's clothes. Here he is wearing Pinga's shirt.

Victory hug

They were so happy winning. Here they are hugging each other.

Star wars Carcassonne

Then they played Carcassonne Star Wars version. It is aimed for 7+ year old but they had no problem playing it. They cooperated against Pingu and won.

Darth vader & Stormtrooper

Momo-chan's friend came to play after daycare. He has Darth Vader costume. So they changed into Star Wars outfit. Cool!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cookie time

Momo-chan was happy as the dinner was mabo tofu. Then he and his friend enjoyed cookies. Momo-chan's friend liked it a lot and ate many.

Cookies out from the oven

Momo-chan helped Pinga making these chocolate cookies. Here he is counting them.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Young visitors

They had almost 3 year old and 10 month boys visiting this afternoon. Here's Momo-chan playing with the baby. He just started to crawl forward.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Rice cake pounding 餅つき

After lunch was making rice cake. Momo-chan enjoyed eating rice cake, however, he didn't try pounding it. He was playing with koma and kendama instead.

New year event

Momo-chan abs Pinga were at Skånes Japanese association's new year event. After three speeches, finally lunch time. Momo-chan ate edamame, shrimp, carrots, omusubi, tamagoyaki, naruto from ozouni and so on.

Valentine's day

Momo-chan and Pinga had a bit of valentine's day surprise for Pingu. They were Snoopy holding heart and some nice chocolates. Pinga secretly made Woodstock with heart and have it to Momo-chan together with some sweets too.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

After daycare

Momo-chan was playing with neighbours kid after daycare today. She is a year younger but they played together well. She was in snow white costume.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fat Tuesday

In Sweden, they eat this baked bun with cream and almond paste, called semla, on fat Tuesday. As Momo-chan expressed interest to semla yesterday Pingu got one for him today. Pinga decorated it with raspberries.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Good bye old kitchen!

Since Pinga can not lift heavy things, Pingu needed some help to throw out the old oven and dishwasher. Today a nice friend helped and now everything is gone of the old kitchen. Please note the very retro-futuristic oven controls where temperature is adjusted just like an old radio.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Momo-chan really likes mango, maybe he should be called Mango-chan instead? Pinga cutting style of mango is cute and makes Pingu think of a hedgehog.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Washing dishes

After the dinner, Momo-chan tried washing dishes today. Nice that Momo-chan wants to help out with many things in the kitchen.

Bushinyan in the making ビーズでブシニャン

Momo-chan and Pinga went to buy yellow beads so that he could complete this Bushinyan. Momo-chan made Spiderman as well.