Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hello there!

It was another nice day with the temperature of 22C degrees. Pinga took a walk with the twins before dinner and there were flock of sheep having their dinner.

Curious Coco-chan

Coco-chan is curious about everything these days. When he is close to QP-chan, he was touching her face, ears, hand, foot and so on. On the contrary, QP-chan is keeping her cool and mainly observing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Close friends

Momo-chan is attending the same school as his close friend. When Pingu picked up Momo-chan they pleaded to play together so that's what they did. Before going home they posed like this. They like to do silly poses.

Monday, August 29, 2016


Coco-chan seems to like his big brother. He was happy being in the same room and playing with Momo-chan's trains.

Something soft to play with?

Coco-chan likes baby gym and he has fun with it. QP-chan is not into it and more focused on her fingers. Pinga was holding QP-chan and watching him play. Then Coco-chan found QP-chan's feet and was holding them like this. Curious Coco-chan!

Super teething QP-chan

QP-chan has been not so happy these days and Pinga is wondering if it's because of tooth coming. She is super chewing on her hands and fingers.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


Mimi-chan came to join the photo session. So here is all three of them.

Beauty and the beast?

No, it's Snow White and lion. They received these cute clothes from their Taiwanese friend. Very nice!

Cozy together

Momo-chan wanted to hold Coco-chan this morning. They were cozy together like this.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Evening walk

As QP-chan was not so happy Pinga took the twins for a walk. Coco-chan was sleeping while QP-chan said hello to sheep.

Sittning together

They discovered the twins can sit with back support. Not so steady yer but kind of ok. When they put gem together Coco-chan was interested in QP-chan and touched her and so on whereas QP-chan was just sitting and smiling.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tired QP-chan

QP-Chan was tired and fell asleep just before dinner time in Pingu sister's arm.

Sunny with 25C degrees

Summer weather came back and it was 25C degrees. Can you see sheep in the shade on the background? Coco-chan was sleeping but QP-chan was awake and looking around.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Neighbor kids

This girl to the left loves babies and she came by to say hello to the twins four days in a row. She came with other neighbor kids too.

Going home together

Momo-chan was happy as his favourite friend from daycare came home to play together.

Six months old

Today they turned six months old. Coco-chan woke up around before 10 whereas QP-chan woke up at 9:30, drunk milk then went back to sleep and finally up at noon. Coco-chan took three hours nap from 11:45 to 14:45. QP-chan fell asleep in the stroller but she slept just a bit. So they seem to live in different time zones. QP-chan didn't sleep well last night most likely because of cold. Let's hope she recovers soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Almost home

So the snail followed them home like this. It pooed on the leaf and Pinga was surprised how big it was compared to its body.

Let's go home together

When Pinga and Pingu came to pick Momo-chan and his friend up from the school, they were with this snail. They wanted to go home together with it.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Little visitors

These two girls came to be with the twins. They were holding them, comforting them and playing with them. They were just eight and seven year old but could hold the babies and do many things with them. Pinga thought it was very sweet of them to come and play with the babies.

Baby gym for two

This is supposed to be for just one baby to play but of course Pinga put two of them underneath it. QP-chan was mostly watching and Coco-chan was touching, hitting, making noise and so on. QP-Chan looks aggressive in this photo but she was not doing something like that.

Baby gym Coco-chan

Here comes Coco-chan enjoying baby gym.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hello horses

They took a short walk and came by this horse riding school. Momo-chan is getting faster and better riding his kick bike. On Friday he was explaining to Pinga he learned to ride on gravel road.

QP-chan fell asleep

As she is still having cold and not sleeping well at night, she fell asleep while Pingu was holding her.

Afternoon tea outside

As it was warm and nice, they had apple pie with ice cream outside on the terrace.

Hello Ismelda

Their friend came for lunch with her miniature schnauzer Ismelda. Here's Coco-chan and Ismelda looking at each other.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Kubb with neighbors

Pingu and Pinga played this Nordic game of kubb with their neighbors. Momo-chan was playing with neighbor kids. After this, there was a potluck party with on the street. Pinga brought agewonton and pear pie. It was fun but unfortunately it started to rain at the end of the dinner.

Chewing Coco-chan

Coco-chan is interested in baby toys and he can chew on them well too. QP-chan hasn't shown same level of interest yet.

Friday, August 19, 2016

QP-chan observing

QP-chan does not sleep as much as Coco-chan in the daytime. They went for a walk after dinner and Coco-chan fell asleep quickly but QP-chan fell asleep 20 minutes after Coco-chan and woke up after 20 minutes or so. She quietly woke up, smiled at Pinga and just looked around like this. She kept moving her fingers.

Baby gym

Coco-chan and QP-chan are getting a bit bored with just lying still. Pingu went to borrow this wooden baby gym. It worked pretty well and Coco-chan likes to twist the side knobs.

Malmö festival food

Right now the yearly Malmö festival ongoing. It lasts a week and ends today. Two days ago, Pingu had meetings in Malmö so he decided to have lunch at his favourite Malmö festival food stall. The lomita burger with salsa is very tasty.

Active Coco-chan

Here's Coco-chan on his stomach. He is more flexible than before and also he started to rotate a bit and also moves on his back. Put him in one place and find him in some other place and status. Pingu and Pinga think it is no surprise if he starts crawling very early.

Momo-chan's first day at school

Today was Momo-chan's first school day. There was an opening ceremony where each child that was at the school for their first time got a balloon filled with helium. After a short speech and a song they all let the balloons go at the same time. Each balloon had the name of the child and an email adress to report back to. Last year at least 10 balloons reached Denmark.

Afternoon nap together

They rarely sleep together but they did this afternoon. QP-chan woke up after two hours and Coco-chan after three hours.

First day of school

It's Momo-chan's first day of school today. Pinga and twins took Momo-chan to the school. Pingu was waiting there.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Pokemon hunt

On the way to a supermarket, they were looking for Pokemons. It became quite nice weather this afternoon.

Nose balloon

QP-chan sneezed and there was this balloon afterwards. One time, there were three of these even. Let's hope QP-chan recovers soon...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Off with face painting

Pinga thought Momo-chan looks cute with her hair band. He put it on so that Pinga can take the face painting off.

Face painting

Here's Momo-chan showing outcome of the face painting.

Street fair

There was a mini fair organized by neighbors kids. Things were sold with one krona. Momo-Chan bought a muffin and face painting. Here's Momo-chan waiting for his turn.

Sick QP-chan

QP-Chan was having bad cold in Vancouver. She recovered but not for a long time and now she has cold and fever again. Poor QP-chan. She slept from 7:30 to 14:30 yesterday. Her runny nose is a bit better today.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Momo-chan creation

Momo-chan came back home from daycare with these coloured Spiderman. Other days it was batman and tinker bell.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pokemon hunt

Momo-chan had fun chasing Pokemon with his favourite friend and Pingu.


They took a walk around citadel and had picnic at a nearby garden.


Twins and Pinga took a bus and train to come to Landskrona. The sky was gray sometimes but it didn't rain.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday goodies

After the dinner Momo-chan and his friend enjoyed their candies and watched kids program. In Sweden, kids basically can get sweets once a week and that's Saturday. So they call it Saturday candy.

Moomin bouncer

They were at their friends place for dinner. As their friends are expecting a baby, there are things for babies like this. New Moomin themed baby bouncer! Coco-chan got to try it for the first time. He was gazing into Moomin, Sniff and Stinky. Then he tried a bit to swing but it didn't seem to work same way as the bouncer at home.

Afternoon walk

Momo-chan and Pinga took afternoon walk or Momo-chan called it a Pokemon round. Mono-chan was happy finding some Pokemons. It started to rain so if became just a short walk.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Being awake together

As they are still jet lagged and don't sleep well in the night time, Pinga tried to keep them awake this afternoon. QP-chan was awake until around 3 AM yesterday.
Coco-chan was awake lunch time and most of the afternoon and then fell asleep at 5 PM for a couple of hours. QP-chan slept well in the morning from 9:30 to 15 woken up by Pinga once for changing clothes. Both of them fell asleep around 10:30 PM today. Hope they don't wake up many times tonight!

Cute pants

They had cute new clothes on today.