Saturday, December 31, 2016

Twin girls?

After the fox costume was these hair accessories. With the fake curly hair, don't they look like twin sisters?

Dessert time

Momo-chan is happy to have his favorite friend this evening. Pingu made this dessert and adults liked it but kids didn't. They had ice cream instead.

Baby foxes

Pinga's friend came with this fox costume so they tried it on the twins. Cute!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Flying Coco-chan

Coco-chan now has six teeth while QP-chan has two. It could be some more coming as he was not in a good mood today. Pingu tried to make him happy and flew him close to QP-chan. That made both of them happy.

Photographer Momo-chan

Pinga asked Momo-chan to fetch her phone. He went to get the phone and started phone camera by himself and took some photos. Here comes Pinga's new year fireworks nail and still fruits.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Dinner at friends place

They were invited to their friends place for dinner. She cooks always good food and Momo-chan ate well too. He especially liked salmon, carrots and avocados.

Horse riding

Pinga was out walking with twins in the morning and in the afternoon. As in the picture, they were passed by horse riders twice. Whenever she sees horse riders, it's almost always young girls and Pinga wonders how come it's always so. Professional horse race jockeys are all guys...

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Gyoza dinner

Momo-chan and Pinga collaboration gyoza was tasty.

Gyoza time!

Momo-chan is helping Pinga make Gyoza tonight. Good job Momo-chan! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tired twins

They visited Pingu's brother for Momo-chan's favorite cousin's birthday. They had fun together. It got late and tired Coco-chan fell asleep around 20:30.

During evening Pingu's relative discovered QP-chan was saying a word "Titta (Look in Swedish)". Pingu and Pinga had no idea but others noticed she was saying it many times while looking at the Christmas tree.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Beetroot mouth Coco-chan

Coco-chan eats many different things with no problem. Both of them liked red beetroot salad. QP-chan finished eating and wiped clean but Coco-chan has beetroot pink mouth in this photo.

Talking about twins, last night was the very first night they slept through together. Bother of them slept 7.5 hours. Let's hope they sleep well tonight as well.

Momo-Chan Santa

Momo-chan became Santa Claus at Pingu's sisters place this year as well. Here's Momo-chan Santa opening a present.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Less than a minute later...

Coco-chan pulled the dog closer to him. Poor QP-chan but they'll take turns.

Popular dog

Twins likes this talking and singing dog. Both of them were on it.

QP-chan's ribbon

Coco-chan was very curious about QP-chan's glittery hair ribbon. He wanted to touch it but QP-chan didn't want to. As he was really curious, Pinga switched his hat and her ribbon. Look how happy he became!?

Christmas sushi

Pinga prepared sushi dinner. She made California roll and prepared things for temaki zushi. Momo-chan enjoyed avocado tarako (cod row) roll. Pingu liked Pinga's California roll a lot.

Christmas Eve

They were all wearing red as it's Christmas Eve.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Totoro babies

Twins received these cute Totoro clothes from their Taiwanese friend. So there was photo shooting with three babies in matching clothes after dinner.

Fish gratin

They had friends over for dinner. Pings cooked fish gratin with the help of Pingu. Pingu was in charge of mashed potato. The guests including Momo-chan's friend liked it a lot.

Stripy kids

Momo-chan and twins had striped clothes. Twins even had stripy socks.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Beads time

Momo-chan's friend from daycare came to play. They were making Pokémon with iron beads at the beginning.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Shrimp chips

They went out to have lunch at an Asian restaurant. There were salad and shrimp chips. Pinga gave some to twins and Coco-chan ate it and liked it. QP-chan was happy to hold onto it but didn't eat. Coco-chan eats everything and QP-chan is more picky.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

International Christmas event

Momo-chan and Pinga was at this Christmas event at 8 am. All the kids who are taking mother language lessons were there. Each language group talked about how they celebrate Christmas and some sang a song in their language. It started with Spanish group as the event was proposed by Spanish teacher. Then Serbian, Arabic, Danish, Icelandic, Portuguese, Japanese, English and German. The biggest group was English group. They consists of kids from Great Britain, Canada, USA, New Zealand and India. Japanese group was just Momo-chan, his teacher and Pinga. His teacher and Pinga discussed what to say as they don't really celebrate Christmas in Japan. Momo-chan's teacher said that they eat chicken and cake and make decorations with origami. Also exchange presents. People reacted a bit interesting when she was asked how to say God Jul (Merry Christmas in Swedish) in Japanese and she said "Merry Kurisumasu".
Pinga though it was a nice international event.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Recovering together

The twins seem to be finally recovering from bad cold and they can sit and play for a while. Both of them like threads so they were very much focused on draw string of QP-chan's pants.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas tree decoration

They went to Pingu's sister's place to decorate Christmas tree. Momo-chan made some iron beads things to hang from the tree. Twins were sitting and watching the decoration work. Momo-chan was happy when he set the star on top.

Bicycling with Christmas tree

While taking a walk with the twins, Pinga saw this person bicycling with Christmas tree! That must be unusual or...?

Christmas tree sale

Christmas trees have started to be sold here and there in town. This is one of them just by the Lund cathedral.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Time to decorate

When gingerbread cooled down, Momo-chan and his friend decorated them with icing sugar.

Outcome of the baking project

They worked hard and it became this much gingerbread at the end.

Ismelda and Coco-chan

Pinga's friend was holding Coco-chan as he was not so happy. Then Ismelda became a bit jealous. So she picked her up and they were next to each other like this.

Going into the oven

Gingerbread looked like this before going into the oven.

Gingerbread baking

Just like last year Pinga's friend came with gingerbread dough. Momo-chan got so excited and didn't want to eat much of lunch. Here's Momo-chan shaping gingerbreads.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Coco-chan in the box

Pinga came to living room and found Coco-chan's legs in the toy box. Momo-chan came and rescued him out of the box.

Tennis medal

It was the last session of tennis for Momo-chan. He came back home and showed the medal and special tennis ball to Pinga.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Nose balloon

QP-chan has nose problem and getting these balloons sometimes. Coco-chan has runny nose too but he doesn't get these.

Minus 3C degrees and frosty

It was a cold and frosty morning. Horses where standing still and not doing much other than eating. Pinga was in pain as she lost a tooth yesterday afternoon.Well, she was at a dentist to take it away as she kept getting inflammation problem. QP-chan has no fever but Coco-chan still has fever.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sunny but cold

Both babies didn't sleep well because of stuffy nose and fever. They slept so so when they went out for a walk in the morning. It was as sunny but the temperature was just above zero.
Coco-chan was not so happy all day as he had fever and runny nose. Poor Coco-chan...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Momo-Chan and QP-chan are feeling better than yesterday. But Coco-chan started to have fever today so he was not happy and tired.

Letter to classmates

With the help from Pinga, Momo-chan wrote a letter to his classmates in Tokyo. They sent it together with some photos. Hope his classmates will be happy to hear from Momo-chan.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Sick family

Pinga had fever yesterday. Then QP-chan got highfever during the night. Then Momo-chan's school called saying he had stomachache and fell asleep on a sofa. So he came back home early. Coco-chan and Pingu are feeling fine and I hope they will keep their health.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

I'm stuck!

Coco-chan crawls backward and as he cannot see what's behind he gets stuck like this. Pinga or Pingu comes to rescue him.

Momo-chan thinks Coco-chan talks sometimes saying "Mamma (mom)", "egentligen (actually)", and "gott (good)." Interesting observation!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Big brother Momo-chan

Momo-chan likes to play with his siblings and the twins like that too.

Friday, December 9, 2016

After lunch

Twins ate well and played happily for a while. Coco-chan found new thing to play with. That is this big lady bug. You can see how he plays with it in this video.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Afternoon nap

QP-chan was sleeping with a bit opened eyes. QP-chan now has two lower front teeth.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Twins these days

Twins can sit and play for longer time these days. But when they sit this close, Coco-chan takes QP-chan's toys as he is more flexible. Pinga set Coco-chan further away from QP-chan but Coco-chan moves back anyway.

Another thing new is Coco-chan all of a sudden started to sleep well. He slept 10 hours straight on Saturday, 8 hours on Sunday and 10 hours yesterday. On the contrary, QP-chan doesn't sleep well like she used to and wakes up every two or three hours. As you can see from this photo, her first tooth has coming out and that could be one of the reasons for not sleeping well. Let's hope she sleeps better soon.