Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Coco-chan behind QP-chan

Coco-chan started to do like this a couple of days ago. QP-chan does not seem like it much but sometimes it's ok.

Monday, January 30, 2017

After lunch

Pinga took video of twins being active after lunch. Here is the link. https://youtu.be/iqvSvI6ZLjs

What is this?

After five days having fever, Coco-chan is finally feeling better and started exploring the house again. Today he found this exciting spinning thing called washing machine.

Can I pass by you?

Coco-chan wanted to pass by but QP-chan was sitting there. QP-chan is not fond of Coco-chan coming nearby as he could do many things like pulling her down. She made some noise to express her annoyance.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

餅つき Rice cake pounding

After adults have pounded rice cake, kids took turn and tried pounding. This year Momo-chan tried it too. Pinga though he would be happy eating it but he didn't try it. He ate sushi well so maybe there was no space for that?

New year event

Momo-chan and Pinga were at Japanese association's new year event in Malmö. It was sushi lunch followed by rice cake pounding.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dinner time

The twins ate vegetable stew, porridge, yogurt with fig jam, and banana for dinner. Momo-chan likes to take photo these days and this is one of the photos he took.

Frosty morning

It was minus degrees this morning. QP-chan is recovering but Coco-chan is still having fever. It's the fourth day he has fever. Let's hope he feels better soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Exploring continues

Coco-chan is enjoying his freedom of movement by crawling everywhere in the house. He was at the entrance checking things around then Pinga found him putting dart from the wheels of stroller into his mouth. Coco-chan! There are more tasty things to eat.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

11 months old

The twins turned 11 months old today. As you can see, poor QP-chan is quite sick with runny nose, cough and high fever. Coco-chan started to cough as well. Momo-chan is fine. Let's hope they feel better soon.

Monday, January 23, 2017

First haircut

QP-chan's bangs got longer so Pinga cut it for the first time and now she looks like this.
Poor QP-chan is having cold again and in the evening, she got fever too.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Where are you going?

Coco-chan can crawl to all the places. When their friends were leaving, he crawled to the entrance like this.

Surprise guests for dinner

As it was Pinga's birthday, Pingu invited her friend for dinner and she came with her dog Ismelda. Coco-chan wanted to touch her, of course.

On his knees

Coco-chan is developing day by day. Now he is on his knees like this and trying to stand up.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Back at home

After eight hours traveling from Zell am See, they arrived home. It took longer than getting there from home as the connection of airport bus and flight was not that good. But on the bus to Salzburg airport they met a very nice elder gentleman who helped them with babies and bags. It turned out to be he is a friend of their Japanese friend who they visited yesterday. Small world!

After kids has fallen asleep, Pinga was going to blog and realized there is no photo from today as it is not easy taking photo with her injury. So she asked Pingu to take a photo of her hand. Mobile hand cast and then hang it from the shoulder. Let's hope she gets rid of it soon...

Friday, January 20, 2017

Visiting a friend

They visited their Japanese friend this afternoon. She prepared very nice good for them and Momo-chan especially liked gyoza. After that, they had origami session just like last year.

Coco-chan moving faster

Here you can see Coco-chan crawling in their hotel room. He is quite flexible and also quick. https://youtu.be/xUurNb4CkBo

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sail boat?

House keeping person at this hotel leaves blankets in fun forms like heart, butterfly, and today sail boat. Here's Momo-chan and QP-chan on it.

Ready to hit the ski slopes

Today is Momo-chan's last day at ski school. Yesterday he skied on red slopes a couple of times. He likes to ski and was looking forward to go skiing this morning too.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ice skating!

The hotel has its own ice skating rink.  They opened it tonight and Momo-chan got to try skating. He was assisted by the helpful hotel staff. Note the cute penguins that the children could use as balance support.  

Momo-chan on the slopes

Pingu went to pickup Momo-chan at ski school yesterday and today.  He enjoys it and they skied a bit together before going back to the hotel.  

Momo-chan on the slopes

Pingu went to pickup Momo-chan at ski school yesterday and today.  He enjoys it and they skied a bit together before going back to the hotel.  

At the hospital

Pinga was so looking forward to skiing with Momo-chan but that doesn't seem to happen this time either. She fell badly on the slope with the speed yesterday and today she visited emergency at Zell am See hospital. Problems were in three places, left eye, right shoulder and right thumb. They took X-ray and there was no fracture of bones, however, doctor said no skiing and mobile cast on right hand and hang it. It's Pinga's very first injury from skiing. Being only one handed makes things very difficult taking care of babies, eating, etc.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Pongo the monkey mascot

Do you remember Clara the cow from the previous hotel they stayed? This year, they are staying at a hotel which has this monkey as their mascot. Pongo came dancing with kids to the restaurant.

Getting ready for pool

They tried baby pool before dinner. Here are the twins in their swim diapers. Coco-chan gets blurry in many photos as he is constantly moving. He can now crawl froward and he is getting faster each day.

Heart shaped blankets

When they came back to the hotel room, the blankets were shaped like this.

Ski school for Momo-chan

Momo-chan started ski school for five days this morning. Pinga talked to one of the young instructors and learned many instructors are not local and from Germany, Netherlands and Denmark. Momo-chan's teacher Thomas is from Netherlands. Momo-chan wanted to ski first and he got a bit upset when he didn't get to do it.
Overall he had fun skiing and when Pinga went to fetch him, he said he wanted to take gondola and ski from higher up. As it was already close to 16 and they had twins waiting at the hotel, Momo-chan and Pinga skied twice on the beginners slope. Hope the good weather continues...

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Arrived in Zell am See

After 7 hours from leaving home and taking buses, trains and flight, they finally arrived at this station that is nearby their hotel. Momo-chan told Pinga he recalls being on this train last year.

Arrived in Salzburg

Momo-chan liked the cat on this poster at the airport. It's about animals coming to EU from outside of Eu needing certification documents.

Coco-chan on the train

This is Coco-chan on the train to Copenhagen airport. What is special about this photo is that it's taken by Momo-chan.
The train was delayed and there were very many people on it.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Cozy evening

After dinner Momo-chan was playing with iPad and QP-chan was sitting next to him watching. Actually QP-chan wanted to touch iPad too but Momo-chan didn't like it.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

QP-chan with knit hat

They are all getting ready to leave for Austria ski trip soon. Today QP-chan tried on Pinga's knit hat- Looking good! :)

On the way home

It was 4 degrees and snow and ice was melting. Pinga picked Momo-chan u from school around 1430 as he had English lesson at 15. He wanted to sit behind the bike and asked Pinga why she didn't come with bike. Pinga explained that she had twins and so they needed to walk. Momo-chan has no problem walking 15 minutes from school though.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1kg difference

The twins were at check up at health center this morning. It turned out to be QP-chan is one kg more and 1cm taller than Coco-chan. The nurse checked their behavior with wooden blocks and paper clip. QP-chan cannot do pinset grip yet but she said they are growing fine.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

0 degree and slippery

Can you see that the road is very icy? As the snow melted a bit yesterday and then became minus temperature during the night, it was very icy. Pinga was about to fall many times.

Tiger QP-chan

QP-chan was wearing this tiger outfit today.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Horse shoe cookies

They had friends over for afternoon tea. Pinga baked soft gingerbread and these horse shoe cookies for the first time. Pinga usually bakes certain cookies and rarely new ones. She was happy receiving positive feedback.

Snow fun

Momo-chan and Pinga did snow ball fight. Then Momo-chan put those snow balls here. Momo-chan thought one to the left of him looks like panda face.

Foggy morning

It was minus 2 degrees and foggy when Pinga went out with twins.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Here is snow chunk

Here is Momo-chan showing chunky snow to QP-chan that just woke up from her morning nap.

Mysterious animal

Momo-chan told Pinga he was going to make a trace of strange animal with his hands on the snow and he did this for more than 5 m.

Minus 3 degrees and snowy

They woke up to a white world this morning. It was snowing. It snowed on and off in the morning.

Good morning QP-chan

Coco-chan usually wakes up around 8am and QP-chan sleeps until later. As she has trouble falling asleep in the evening, they wake her up these days. Today Momo-chan woke her up at 9:25 and QP-chan was very sleepy.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Ice skating

It was very cold with minus 12 C degrees this morning. When Pinga went for a walk this morning, she found their neighbors at this frog pond ice skating. They had a tool to measure how thick the ice is and it was 5 cm. So they concluded it was fine to skate on it. It was her very first time trying it out.

When Momo-chan and Pinga returned to this pond in the afternoon, there were more than 30 people on the ice. Pinga was very surprised. Momo-chan borrowed ice skating shoes from his neighbor friend and tried it for the first time too. Pinga is sad not able to take the photo of that.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tigers and dragon

Coco-chan was wearing Tigger and QP-chan's clothes had many tigers on it. Momo-chan was wearing his new dragon T-shirt that grows in the dark.
Coco-chan is finally recovering from fever.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Sunny but cold

This was taken after their morning walk. Sunshine was coming into the house nicely. But it was cold and -1 to 1 C degree.

Coco-chan usually wakes up before or after 8 but QP-chan sleeps in until 9 or 10. Pingu woke her up after 10 this morning. She was up until 0:30 on New Year's Eve. Pingu and Pinga are wondering which time zone she is living in... Now it's almost 23 o'clock and of course, QP-chan is still awake.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello baby friend

They had friends visiting this afternoon. Compared to three months old baby, QP-chan and Coco-chan look big.