Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunny Sunday

As it was sunny, they went to a playground. Momo-chan calls this park "the usual park". Magnolia was ingull bloom. Pinga met Swedish mom and Peruvian mom. Swedish mom told her about Swedish class at Scandinavian culture center in Burnaby. Peruvian mom is married to a Jordanian guy and her mom lives in Lydinge in Sweden. Hearing her stories, Pinga was thinking of her Peruvian friend in Sweden. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Saturday course

Pinga has been attending course to get project management certification. It was the fourth day of total six days course. Morning was about risk management and afternoon was regarding procurement management. There are so much to learn and memorize for the exam! 

Friday, April 28, 2017

First day at school

Momo-chan started school today. In his class, there is one boy that speaks Japanese. As Momo-chan was very shy at the beginning, he and another boy tried to help him and showed him how things were. 
Pinga had difficult time dropping off and picking him up as the class room and school office is on the second floor and there is no elevator. She asked adults around to help carry the stroller up. Then the office person told her there is an elevator but she doesn't know how to operate it. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

King of the hill

Coco-chan loves to climb and he can get quite high just by himself. Here he has stepped onto the sofa and that way he could even reach things drying on the kitchen counter.

Boxes everywhere

Today it was move in day. At least for all the stuff that came from Sweden. Pingu was there to let the moving crew in and to monitor the move. It took about four hours in total. The apartment is actually bigger than their old house but has less storage space and rooms. It will take some time to get everything into its place. Tomorrow comes a guy to assemble some of the furniture.

Photo by Momo-chan

Momo-chan likes to take photos these days. Here's one of the photos he took with Pinga's phone. 

After bathing

Coco-chan loves to check on QP-chan. She came out of the bath and he crawled to check on her like this. 

Bubble time

Momo-chan enjoyed blowing bubbles today as well. It was sunny like yesterday and Pinga noticed she already got some blisters on her hands because of strong sun. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Little helpers?

Pingu was folding laundry and the twins wanted to help. Well, they were curious and wanted to touch the folded clothes so it was not helpful. 

Standing QP-chan

QP-chan stood up by herself like this for more than five seconds today. Good job QP-chan! 

Beatle almost complete

Momo-chan took over this beatle from someone and completed coloring it. 

Bubble moment

Momo-chan let this boy blow some bubbles at the playground. They met quite many Japanese kids and moms at this Coal Harbor playground. They seem to play there after a Japanese related activities at the community center. 

Lunch by the sea

Then they walked by the sea and ate Vietnamese sub. Coco-chan fell asleep at 12:30 but QP-chan was up until 14.

Chasing bubbles

They came by this park and found this lady blowing bubbles.  Momo-chan went to chase the bubbkes. Then she gave her bubble kit to Momo-chan. He became very happy. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Cloudy day

While Momo-chan was playing hockey, Pinga took the twins out for a walk. Coco-chan fell asleep quickly but QP-chan was awake as she slept two hours at lunch time. It was not raining but not that great weather either. 

Hockey Momo-chan

It was three kids participating in the hockey class. They seemed to be tired and not holding hockey stick and just ran around when Pinga came back from outside. This is taken when they started with the hockey stick again. 

On the way to hockey session

Here's Momo-chan walking down the hill by the harbor. His hockey class is at Coal Harbor community center and starts at 15:45.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Editing spreadsheet

Pinga was in front of her computer. Then Coco-chan came. She took him on her lap and Coco-chan was ready to work on the computer. Look how professional he does his work!

Climbing and chewing

Coco-chan likes to climb these days. He climbed up the sofa and then looked into Pinga in the kitchen like this. 

Standing Coco-chan

Coco-chan can stand quite stable and for some seconds. He can walk 5-6 steps too but he usually takes safer method and crawl. 

Finally a sunny day

It was sunny today so they went to a playground near the community center. They found out there are Japanese classes for kids at community center. Pinga wanted Momo-chan to attend a class called "Hiragana fun" but it needed registration and it was full. They went out to the playground and met four Japanese moms. According to the info she heard, the daycare situation seems to be not so desperate. Four months wait and the center called to notify there was a spot, one of the moms said.
After the playground, Momo-chan wanted to play at this monument.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Look, an owl!

On the way to train station from the airport building, Momo-chan quickly found this owl and told Pinga. He wanted her to take a photo of this. 

Goodbye hug

Momo-chan and Pinga went to the airport to see Pinga mom off. Momo-chan gave this big goodbye hug. Now she is flying towards Tokyo Haneda Airport. 

Walking QP-chan

QP-chan can walk slowly if you help her like this. She seems to like to do this. 

Sakura still blooming

On the way to brunch, they found these sakura flowers started to bloom. Good it doesn't rain much so that they stay longer. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Super melting cheese

They have been curious about this restaurant which looks almost always full of people. So they decided to try it for happy hour. Most of the snacks were half price. Their favorite was this deep fried cheese curd. Momo-chan liked it a lot too. It tasted perfect with honey. 


To their surprise, it was sunny today. So after lunch they took a walk by the sea. QP-chan was sleeping but Coco-chan was awake as he fell asleep just before lunch and slept during the lunch. 

President Coco-chan

Coco-chan likes this table by the window and usually sit there or standing like this. Pinga's dad thought he looks like a president of mid size company. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Momo-chan and Pingu were very happy as Pinga's mom made lots of gyoza/dumplings for dinner. 

Cannabis day

Pinga had no idea but April 20 is cannabis festival/rally. On the way back from the physiotherapy, she saw a lot of people and many police officers gathered like this at a square. And it smelled like marijuana a bit.


Momo-chan and Pingu were very happy as Pinga's mom made lots of gyoza/dumplings for dinner. 

Cannabis day

Pinga had no idea but April 20 is cannabis festival/rally. On the way back from the physiotherapy, she saw a lot of people and many police officers gathered like this at a square. And it smelled like marijuana a bit.

Sky train

Then they took a train to Downtown. So it took one hour both ways to the school registration office. Momo-chan liked to sit at the beginning of the train and look at the lights in the tunnel. 

中華ちまき Sticky rice

After getting off the bus, they went to this Asian supermarket. They bought these sticky rice and dumpling skin. Pinga got Mango tapioca pudding for Momo-chan as well. 

Waiting for a bus

The area where this school registration is seems to have large Indian population. There was Indian school and many Indian pedestrians. 

Placement test

Sleepy Momo-chan went to take math and English test at this registration center. It took one out to get there with two trains and a bus.
It started at 9 and supposed to take 1.5 hours but Momo-chan was done at 9:45.
While Momo-chan was taking exam, Pinga was watching a video explaining how elementary school works in British Columbia. They showed the video on English first and then in mandarin next. You can see the signs behind Momo-chan is in English and Chinese as well. This shows how much people come from Chinese speaking area. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Talent Day for tech professionals

Pinga was at a job fair called "Talent Day for tech professionals" this evening. She was very focused and missed taking a photo but it was full of people seeking career opportunities. There were about 30 tech companies and Pinga talked to more than two third of them. Some of them were really popular and the queue was long. Pinga will send follow up mails and do more research on the participated companies. Let's hope she finds job soon! 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ready for summer

There's no sign of sunny days yet but Pinga mail ordered sunglasses for the kids. Here's twins trying them out. Coco-chan seemed yo like them and put them on for a while whereas QP-chan took them off right away. 

Indoor hockey class

Momo-chan's indoor hockey class has started today. To Pinga's surprise, there were just three kids signed up for it. Momo-chan had fun but he needs to listen more to the instructor. 

Standing up QP-chan

Since yesterday QP-chan can lift herself up and stand like thus. She has been practicing standing up and now she can do it. Good job QP-chan! 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Grey sky again

Here's QP-chan looking outside the window. It was record breaking rainy March and April is also unusually rainy. First one third of the month and the amount of rain poured was equivalent to entire month of April for average year. They moved to Vancouver just at the right timing... It's been a month and just four or five days not rained. Otherwise raining. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Momo-chan and Luigi

Before going home with the tiny false creek ferries they went to the kids market. Momo-chan wanted to try out a ufo catcher and guess what, Mario's brother Luigi came out. Momo-chan wanted Pikachu though... 

Granville Island easter hunt

Pingu and Momo-chan went to Granville Island before noon to join the Easter hunt at the community center. The activity was full though so they joined the lunch afterwards with friends. Here is Momo-chan having fun with the balloons that covered the floor while people lined up for their goody bags. 

Siblings fun

Momo-chan likes to have the twins in his room. They had fun with the balloon he got at Easter egg hunt. 

Beach Momo-chan

Momo-chan had fun walking on those rocks. 

Easter bunny!!

Add it was not raining and it was the last day for rental car, they decided to drive to Locator Beach Park. When they arrived, there was a rabbit eating a carrot. Wow bunny on Easter day! 

Fridge explorers

When the twins are around, it is difficult to close the fridge as they quickly come in between the door and the fridge. 

Friday, April 14, 2017

Costco Momo-chan

They went to Costco to get a membership card and shop. They were once again amazed by how big quantity they sell things. Here's Momo-chan happy with his hotdog after the shopping. 

Pushing a chair

Pinga's mom taught Coco-chan he could walk this way, pushing a chair forward. He can go quite quick with this method. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Little walker

When QP-chan gets help for walking like this, Coco-chan gets jealous and comes to them. 

Dim sum lunch

They went to a Chinese restaurant their friend recommended. To their surprise, they needed to wait for thirty minutes before seated. Very busy with lots of big groups eating. The dishes they ordered were all tasty. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sakura and blue sky

Finally the sun came out today. The cheery blossoms have started to fall and seems to come close to end soon. It is, however, still nice to see them in contrast with blue sky.