Thursday, January 31, 2019

Story time

Twins had a lot of fun joining story time at the library his morning. You can see them dancing here.

Happy QP-chan

QP-chan likes to decide what to wear and this morning was no exception. Look how happy she was with her outfit.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


After Pinga came back home, they wanted to do water colour. Sano they painted coala in pink and blue. Then they went to pick Momo-chan up at after school care.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Hand in hand

It was sunny but cold with the temperature of 2C. They went to Stanley Park. They walked hand in hand and talked to each other a lot.

Baikinman coloured by Coco-chan

Twins nanny has drawn Baikinman from Anpanman and Coco-chan coloured his pants nicely. Good job Coco-chan!

Dokin-chan’s body

Dokin is a character from Japanese kids cartoon. Twins nanny has drawn the face and QP-chan added the body and hands. Their nanny was impressed by how nicely it is added.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Active and curious Coco-chan

Here's the dynamic photo of Coco-chan. He was very happy and active. But he started asking "how come?" questions. He asked the nanny, how come there no rainbow? Why does a cat jump? Why do we eat? All sorts of "why?" questions. He is growing!

At the playground

Twins have almost recover from cold. They were at the playground this morning. Had much fun playing together.

Mac n cheese

QP-chan loves macaroni and cheese. She ate a bowl full and wanted more. Coco-chan has left his chair but she continued to eat. When QP-Chan is finally done, Coco-chan had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Morning glow

Pinga left for work early this morning. The sky was beautiful like this around 7:30.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Took 7th heaven lift

After taking 7th heaven lift is a slope called Cloud Nine. Pinga and Momo-chan liked it last year so they went back there.

Skiing in Whistler

Momo-chan and Pinga took 6:35am bus to Whistler. They got there before 9am. It was a beautiful day. They went up to ski on Blackcomb glacier. Momo-chan was a bit scared at the beginning but enjoyed skiing down after a while.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Day of music!

Yesterday, Pingu and Momo-chan went to the Day of Music that celebrates 100 years of the Vancouver symphonic orchestra. All day was full of music and it was all for free. The session they attended was the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra (VYSO) playing at the main stage of the Orpheum theatre. It is a beautiful place and playing. The VYSO is divided into different age groups and they were all extremely talented.

Friday, January 25, 2019

French flies!

They went to Safeway after dinner. There was a kind Safeway staff who came to talk to them. She said "if you will be a good kids and do the following, I will give you these French flies. One, no crying. Two, no screaming. Three, be nice to your mom." Pinga translated what she said and twins said yes, so they received French flies. But being good kids didn't last for a long time.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hungry caterpillar はらぺこ青虫

Twins were at the library this morning. They like the book Hungry Caterpillar. They have this in Japanese at home too.

At pediatrician

Momo-chan and Pinga were at pediatrician's clinic this morning. She measured him and he is 135cm and 25kg (shoes off, clothes on).

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Mighty Momo-chan

Pinga thinks QP-chan is getting heavy but Momo-chan has no problem carrying her like this for a while.

Pocky time

Twins and Pinga went to pick Momo-chan up at his after school care. He was the last kid. They had snack time outside the building and ate Pocky sticks.

Feeding a baby

It's usual QP-chan taking care of baby doll and stuffed animals.

Playtime at church

Wednesday is church day for twins. QP-chan played with younger kids as usual. She was with this kid all the time and their nanny told Pinga, it was like looking after three kids this morning. She also said that QP-chan likes to give toys to other kids but Coco-chan seems to have a bit of problem with sharing.

New nap routine

Twins have been taking a nap on the stroller but their nanny told Pinga and Pingu they sleep on the bed these days. They have a routine to go to bed and take a nap after 40 minutes they eat lunch. Especially QP-chan is good at establishing a new nap routine. She falls asleep in about 5 minutes. For Coco-chan, it takes a bit longer time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blowing the candles

Here are twins blowing the candles on Pinga's birthday cake. They also sang part of the birthday song for her. Coco-chan especially did good job singing. 

Library fun

 They were at the library in the morning. First, they played games on iPad, then they played with trains, dinosaurs, etc. Here's the video of QP-chan drawing Totoro.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Shopping helper?

Pinga and twins went to Safeway before dinner. QP-chan wanted to carry the basket by herself for a while like this. There were three mangoes and blueberries in it.
Usually what happens when taking twins to shop is that Coco-chan stays close to Pinga and QP-chan wanders around by herself. She just walks around and not staying close to them. Today was no exception. While Pinga and Coco-chan were paying at the cashier, she walked around and one elderly woman came to Pinga and said "She was just by the exit door. It is dangerous and you should watch her more closely. I know she is yours." Pinga just thanked and apologized her. Sigh...

Hair cut at home

Twins hair is growing fast. Pinga is trimming Coco-chan's bangs while he is watching Paw Patrol. 

Playground in Yaletown

Coco-chan was in much better condition than last week and as it was not raining, their nanny took the twins to a playground. They enjoyed it a lot and didn't want to leave. QP-chan enjoyed climbing up and down. But both of them were afraid of sliding down the slider.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Birthday dinner

Pingu took Pinga out for a birthday dinner at Hawksworth. They tried BC Journey tasting menu and it was delicious. Last came this dessert.


Momo-chan wanted to make a snowman but as there was no new snow, it was difficult. The existing snow was hard and tough to change shape. With the help of Pinga, he made this snowman. Good job Momo-chan!


Momo-chan has good eye sight and he is good at spotting squirrels. So they saw squirrels a couple of times while walking.


It was Momo-chan's first time trying snowshoeing. He asked Pinga if snowshoes are heavy. She said they are not that heavy but Momo-chan said "they must be heavy as there are not so many kids doing it." Haha. He liked it and he was walking well.

8:30 am but queue

Momo-chan and Pinga are at Grouse Mountain. Although they arrived early, there is already a queue to gondola.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

At the science world

Here's Momo-chan checking bubbles under pressure.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Coco-chan with fever

Coco-chan is sick with fever and cough. So they stayed inside. Here he is cold patch on his forehead.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Walk in the afternoon

As it was not raining, they took a walk. Here is the video of QP-chan talking and walking. 

Playtime at church

As usual, twins were at the playtime. QP-chan enjoys song time. Coco-chan is still a bit shy and not moving to he songs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Surprise birthday party

Pinga was very surprised to find her girlfriends at a restaurant this evening as she thought she'd just meet a friend for dinner. Pingu and her friends planned the party and she had no idea. Japanese bbq dinner was tasty and they had much fun. There was even this balloon!

Story time

It was not raining but cold. So they went to the library and joined story time. QP-chan went to take a cushion to sit on it. No big deal. Coco-chan was still a bit shy and took time before he made himself at home. They were bey happy when they got stamps on their hands at the end.

Little helpers

Twins were helping hanging laundry this morning. QP-chan looks like she's ready to go out whereas Coco-chan is still wearing pajama.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Funny face snack time

They had cheese scones for morning snack. QP-chan likes cheese but Coco-chan, not so much. But he likes this cheese scone as it's a bit sweet.

Sunny morning

It was foggy and then became sunny. They wnjoyed walking along the harbour.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Going down with gondola

QP-chan was with Momo-chan when they got on the gondola but she got scared and came to where Coco-chan and Pinga were. The scenery was great as it was sunny.

Sunglasses twins

It was great weather so they needed these sunglasses. There were so many people at Grouse Mountain. In the evening, Pinga asked the twins if it was fun to be at a snowy mountain. They said yes. Then Pinga asked if they want to go back again, they said No. Let's hope they will have more fun next time up in the mountain.

Snack time

Twins said that they didn't want to do it again. They were happy eating snack by the slope.

Sliding zone

Momo-chan and Pinga usually comes to Grouse Mountain for skiing. But today, they went there with twins to try sledge riding. Momo-chan likes it a lot but twins didn't like it. Coco-chan tried once and QP-chan, twice. Here's Momo-chan sliding.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

At a sport shop

Momo-chan and Pinga went to a sport shop to find Pinga's ski. She bought a skis back in October but turned out that one of the skis has defect. So she will return them and that she needs new ones. She didn't find anything on her list and asked a shop staff and she said those were there two or three months ago. Yep, that was when Momo-chan and Pinga bought their skis. Now Pinga is looking for skis online but it is not easy...

LEGO time

They received a lot of LEGOs from their friends. They were building LEGO together for a while.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Jumping frogs

Twins had fun making these jumping frogs.

Story time

Twins were at the story time at the library. They played with iPad and did some drawing too.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Volunteering at tech event

Pinga volunteered at TechVancouver event again. There were 190 attendees today and drink station Pinga helped out was very busy. Pinga opened more than 100 beer cans and bottles. As always, presentations were inspiring but she had no time talking to attendees.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

On their way to library

Twins nanny took this photo. They look very happy going to the library.