Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Want to stay & play VS want to go home

At 2 pm, Pinga cane to pick them up. QP-chan wanted to stay and play. Coco-chan wanted to go home and open his candy shop. He was screaming that he wanted to go home, they went hi one shortly after this photo was taken.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Off to an excursion

Here are twins wearing reflect vests. As it was sunny, twins department went off to an excursion. They walked to a playground and back.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Nurse QP-chan

QP-chan was saying Pingu has a stomachache and feeling cold. She put on a jacket and also a knit hat on him and took care of him.

Off to school

Here's Momo-chan leaving for school. Momo-chan and Pinga was debating about cutting his bangs as they got longer.

Bye for now

Here are twins saying good bye or "Matane" to Pinga when she was leaving the daycare building.

Sleeping QP-chan

QP-chan usually sleeps well on her bed. Today was no exception but it was unusually tough to wake her up and it became after 8:30am. Coco-chan was also sleeping in this morning as he couldn't sleep well because of the pain in his legs. He woke up around midnight and got medication and fall asleep together with Pinga.

Morning surprise

Pinga opened the twins room door and found someone lying on the floor. She wondered who it is. It was Pingu!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Tourte de Loraine

Pinga had a cooking lesson with her friend. They made this dish from his hometown. It's more work than Pinga thought. Always good to learn something new.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Puzzle Momo-chan

Momo-chan received this 4D puzzle of New York city from Pinga's friend. He is now working on NYC in 1700s. He is quite good at it but takes time as everything is in green, Brown, grey, etc.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Children's clinic again

Coco-chan was in Malmö for a hospital check-up this morning. He is quite used to going to clinic, checking blood pressure, weight, etc. He likes this hockey game at the waiting room. Not much new today but they will do more analysis on the biopsy and also discuss with rheumatologist.

Little Ninja

Twins came with these panda bandanas and told Pinga that they wanted to be ninjas. Pinga tied them like these and they liked it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Foggy morning

It was foggy this morning. Twins wanted to bike to daycare. They love biking.

Kick scooter twins

Twins tried using Momo-chan's kick scooter and they liked it. Momo-chan doesn't want to let them use it though...

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bye bye

Here are twins saying good bye to their friends. Pinga picks them up at 2 pm and most of the kids stay longer.

7C in the morning

It's getting colder in the morning and in the evening. Here are twins on their way to daycare. QP-chan was warming Coco-chan's hand.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

At Skrylle

They drove to Skrylle to meet Pingu's sister and her family. While waiting, they met a family with Japanese mom and mexican dad with their five years old daughter. It's fun to make friends with new people sometimes.

Biopsy taken from Coco-chan rash

Coco-chan had another tough hospital visit. It was to take biopsy of his skin. The doctor wanted to have fresher rash but as he gets rash in the evening, next day morning is the freshest. As it was painful, let's hope they find something from it.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Kids dance

Twins made it in time for the dance class. They seem to enjoy it.

At Ikea

Twins and Pinga went to Ikea after daycare. They found some items but others were sold out or difficult to find. They needed to leave quickly as there was a dance class.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Boxes and boxes

Now they are surrounded by the boxes. As the Vancouver moving company didn't do a good job labeling the boxes, it was very difficult for them to find immediately necessary things such as bed linens.

Container arrived

After two and a half months, things from the container arrived. It took two and a half months which was much longer than anticipated. They received this truck full of things delivered twice.

Monday, September 14, 2020


Coco-chan and Pinga were looking for QP-chan. They found her with these two ladybugs.

Eating berries

When Pinga went to pick the twins up, they were by the bush picking berries and eating them. Pinga tried one but it wasn't so great. Their teacher feels the same but kids seem to love them. It has been a month since they started daycare. They seem to be ok except that hair cut incident. It was actually not only QP-chan but also Coco-chan got his hair cut as well.

Fox QP-chan

QP-chan wanted to be a fox today. Last time it was Uran-chan from the animation Astro Boy.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Bicycle adventure

The twins continued to bike a lot today as well. This time, Pingu took them out for a longer bike ride. Coco-chan was thrilled and biked several kilometers. He should sleep well tonight!

Momo-chan the car charmer

Momo-chan went out for a walk after dinner and came back quite late and with a new friend, a yellow cat. Momo-chan wanted to bring it home and had made it follow him all the way home. Pingu gave it some ham and milk and they hope it is doing ok.

Making meringue

Pinga asked Momo-chan if he wanted to make meringue. He was eager and helped whipping egg white. It was their second time baking meringue.


Yesterday, they received a bike as gift from one of their neighbors. Twins were very excited and biked round and round on their street. After dinner they biked again and they got to see this beautiful and clear rainbow. Just a couple of minutes later, it was gone.

Bike lover Coco-chan

It was the second day of pedal biking for twins. They were very eager and already put biking around 9:30. Coco-chan made big advancement yesterday and he can bike with no help now. He went out to bike many times in the morning and afternoon.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Ultrasound Coco-chan

Coco-chan was in Malmö for ultrasound this morning. There was a TV screen on the ceiling so that kids can lie still while the examination. They checked ok kidney and it seemed to be ok but they'll talk to pediatrician later.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dance class

This was when Pinga left the twins at the dance class. Coco-chan was a bit sleepy as he just woke up but they had fun.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Box lovers

Twins love boxes just like I do. They went into the box and calling for Pinga to push it around.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hot sandwich maker

Pinga found yet another way of using hot sandwich maker. That is to walk up rice cake. It worked perfectly to make it warm and soft. Twins were very happy and ate many of it.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Playground fun

Since twins have been home from daycare for a while, they enjoyed visiting and playing at the daycare playground. Weather was strange and it rained, then stopped and rained again.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Itterasshai hug

As QP-chan was not fully recovered from cold, she stayed home. When Coco-chan and Pinga left home, QP-chan ran after them and have him a big hug. That's nice but let's hope Coco-chan doesn't get what she has.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

It's been 8 years...

 8 years ago on September 3, I came to cat heaven. I have been watching Momo-chan grow from up above and also, the twins arriving and growing. It has been fun. Now that they are thinking of adopting a cat or two, I hope I could still be in their thoughts after those new family members come. Here is me in 2011. Yes, I love boxes and bags.


Watches by QP-chan

QP-chan made these craft watches. Heart one is for herself, cat one is for Coco-chan, frog one for Momo-chan. Good job QP-chan!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Biking Momo-chan

Momo-chan bikes to school. His school starts at 8:20 most of the days. He seems to like the school and making new friends.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Sick QP-chan

Since yesterday, QP-chan is having cold. She had fever last night and was mostly sleeping in the morning. 

Hospital check-up

As Coco-chan had issues last week, Pinga took him to check up at the children's clinic. He is now used to the routine of checking weight and blood pressure. He doesn't like to get his blood taken though.