Monday, May 31, 2021

Finally arrived

They left Lund at 14:30 and arrived at the hotel in Stockholm around 21. Twins wanted to sleep up there but as there is no rails to prevent them from falling, they slept on lower beds.

Driving up to Stockholm

After the school, they drove up to Stockholm for funeral of Pingu's father. After one hour, QP-chan already wanted to go out of the car. She said she doesn't like the belt. Momo-chan was fine as he had iPad all the time. Coco-chan was ok too.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Little garden helpers

While Momo-chan is at playdate twins helped Pingu tidying up the garden. This is QP-chan but Coco-chan helped Pingu for longer time with different tasks.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Work station set up done

Pinga will start working this Friday. She has received work computer and accessories. Pingu helped her setting them up and Coco-chan was curious about it too.

Last dance class

It was QP-chan's dance class today. One cycle is 8 times and it was the 8th time today. So QP-chan dressed up for the last round. Because of Covid, parents couldn't be there but they have filmed it so that parents can watch it later.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Typical Skåne scenerly

QP-chan was at home as she was still coughing. They went biking to see those yellow field.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Little helper Coco-chan

Pinga was making these apple pies as Momo-chan likes them. Then Coco-chan came and wanted to do this.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Doggy bread

Pinga tried baking dog bread and it was a success. Twins picked the ones with chocolate and Momo-chan red bean paste.

Robots completed

Coco-chan was making Lego robot when Momo-chan came back home from school. He joined making one. Coco-chan thought Momo-chan's robot looks way cooler than his because of the colours.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Cuddly pair

Totoro seems to like to groom Inez. It makes the family smile to see them like this.

Lego Coco-chan

Coco-chan has been at home because of the cold. He is better now but QP-chan is worse. Coco-chan Loves to build Lego. Here he is making airplane.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Presents from a friend

QP-chan was nicely surprised upon arriving home. Her friend came by and left some presents. A drawing and perlor beads dog bone. Very sweet.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Chocolate melon bread

According to Coco-chan choice, Pinga baked chocolate melon bread for afternoon snack. It got good reviews from the family.

Bimonthly check up for Coco-chan

Here is Coco-chan being checked his blood pressure at children's clinic in Malmö. He had pain sometime but no rash. Doctors will discuss if they'd move him to be checked up by the department for kidney function. By the way, he weighed 17kg.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sakura carpet

On the way to playground, they stopped under the cherry tree as it was beautiful. It started to lose petals.

Are you ok, Inez?

Inez sneezed and kids got worried about her. Momo-chan suspected that's because she was out all night when it was raining. Coco-chan was sweet and put blanket on her. Inez didn't seem to like it though.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Relaxed Totoro

Totoro was lying like this on the arm chair in Momo-chan's room for a while. How can he stay like this? Funny Totoro.

Becoming yellow

Sakura is still blooming but rape flowers are blooming as well. On the way to golf club, they saw yellow field. It will become even more yellow soon.

Popular Totoro

Totoro was lying on the bed and QP-chan and Momo-chan came. He is not so cuddly but gentle with kids.

Icecream outside

It was warm and nice with not much wind. Twins had icecream on the patio after daycare.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Sakurai valley

They have been waiting for Sakura to bloom in this valley. It was warm on Sunday and Monday. That made cherry blossoms to bloom in full on Tuesday. So they drove there Tuesday afternoon.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sunny Sunday

It became sunny and warm this afternoon. They went out to have some icecream and then to the playground.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Frisbee together

Coco-chan wanted to do frisbee with Momo-chan. It took a while to get Momo-chan put of the house but here they are doing frisbee together.

Friday, May 7, 2021

After vaccination

Twins got 4 diseases combination vaccine shot yesterday. QP-chan was just fine but Coco-chan had runny nose and high fever. It went up to 39 C degrees and he could not sleep. He got Alvedon and fell asleep again but didn't wake up until late. Inez went to sleep with him like this.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Five year old check-up

They woke up early in order to make it by 7:45 at the health center. They went there for check-ups and vaccination shots. They didn't want the shots but they didn't cry. To Pinga's surprise, QP-chan volunteered to do it first.
QP-cha is now 112 cm and 18.9 kg. Coco-chan is 111.5 cm and 18 kg.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Children's Day cookies

Pinga baked Koinobori cookies and kids decorated them. She is trying to keep up with Japanese events and children's day is one of them.

Egg and potato shop

Pinga went to a self-service egg, potato, and flour shop by the Skarhult castle. Castle is closed for 2021 but the shop was open. There was no one and you can just electronically send money to the owner by the phone app. They bought eggs.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

At eye doctor

Coco-chan was at an eye doctor in Eslöv this afternoon. She said his sight is ok but not excellent but it could change considering his age. There will be a follow up visit.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Scout Momo-chan

Monday is Momo-chan's scout day. He had fun with his scout mates for 1.5 hour.

Digging Coco-chan

When Pinga went to pick twins up, Coco-chan was in the middle of the digging project. They dug more than 50cm.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Miniature food making

Momo-chan and twins love those kits to make small food. Here is Momo-chan making Japanese sweets. Twins were making ice cream. After making, they can actually eat them.

Sunday = soccer day

Here are twins getting ready to leave for soccer practice. From today, they will practice outdoor. It has been indoor so it is a change.