Tuesday, August 31, 2021

I'm home, Totoro!

Momo-chan comes back home from school and the first thing he does is to look for Totoro. Then he carries him around like this.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Little helpers

Ponga picked twins up at daycare around 16. One of the teachers asked QP-chan to bike the tricycle to a storage unit. After she did that, she continues to help her cleaning up and Coco-chan helped out too. Good job twins!

Playground afternoon

Twins and Pings biked to a playground for a picnic with their friends. It's the same playground they went on Friday but many more people as it was an ok weather. They met Japanese families that they knew and twins had fun playing with them.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Soccer practice

It was Sunday so soccer for twins. Many kids but Pings thought the practice was well organized. Coco-chan was chasing ball well and made a goal in practice mini match.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Rainy afternoon

As the daycare was closed, they biked to a playground in the afternoon. It stopped raining when they left home but started to rain again and it continued. They made a new friend and had fun though.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Good morning girls!

QP-chan woke up and found Inez on the bed. They were cuddling like this for a while.

Hello snail

It was raining so snails were out and about. On the way home from daycare, QP-chan picked this snail up and Coco-chan put it back on a leaf.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Coco-chan at eye doctor

Coco-chan was at an eye doctor in Eslöv to check his eye sight. He could see better than the last time and the doctor said it seems like his eyes are fine and there's no need for glasses. Just to be sure, he will be called for another exam in 4 months.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Twins received medals, milk and carrots. Good job! Ponga was a bit overwhelmed by the number of people at the event.

Running twins

They had no problem running 800 m and reached goal after about 4 minutes.

Ready to run 800 m

This running event, Karvinknatet, is organized by the age and with or without parents for younger age kids. They ran together with Pinga.

Kids running event

Twins went to Stadsparken to join the running event. Here they are saying hi to the event mascot.

Monday, August 23, 2021

QP-chan at the hospital

Ponga took QP-chan to the skin doctor this morning. It took an hour and a half as the doctors came by and examined her toe nail. There were more than 15 of them. The doctors discussed her case and then the doctor she met at the beginning came back and told them their conclusion. They recommended her to go to children's orthopedic and remove her nail and the source of the nail. Pinga found that conclusion drastic but the doctor said since they are not certain if it's benign or malign, the risk should be removed. Hmm I guess Ponga and Pingu would discuss about this.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Trampoline fun

They liked jumping on these. Coco-chan lives it the most and jumped on it for a while while Momo-chan and QP-chan moved on to try out other things.

Playground quarrel

They visited Landskrona and when they were at the playground, they witnessed major quarrel between the parents. Both Pingu and Pinga were shocked how it started, developed and ended. As Pingu lived in Landskrona for several years, he knows how the town is but still surprised.

Lund cathedral

Momo-chan and Pings went to Lund cathedral to see astronomical clock moving at 13. But there was a queue to get in and they missed it. Their friends told them it was not a major movement and many people stayed for a while to see if that was it. Momo-chan was curious looking at things in the crypt.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Fortress tower in Helsingborg

After Landskrona they visited Helsingborg. The weather turned out to be great for walking around.

Citadel in Landskrona

They drove up to Landskrona to see the citadel. Pinga felt like she's rediscovering Scania and Sweden by reading explanations for the buildings.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Fearless QP-chan and worried Coco-chan

QP-chan sat just by the edge of the peer like other adults. Coco-chan was very concerned and pulled Pinga's hand and asked her to get her off from there.

Västra hamnen in Malmö

Twins and Pinga were in Malmö with their Italian friends. It was their first time seeing turning torso. It was windy and not so warm but they enjoyed walking around.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Where is Japan?

Coco-chan stayed home today because of the stomach pain. He was checking where Japan and Sweden are in the globe.

Monday, August 16, 2021

First day of school

It was Momo-chan's first day of school after summer vacation. He came back home and fell asleep on the sofa. He didn't say the school was very tiring but he said Inez was on his lap and he got sleepy. That sounds just like me taking Pinga to sleepy land when I was with her.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Getting off the ferry

They were on their way back to Sweden. They took yet another ferry. This time it was from Aarhus to Själlands Odde. It was a bit more than an hour but good change from being in the car. Twins don't like to sit in the car for a long time.

Big dog and Momo-chan

Momo-chan is usually afraid of dogs but this morning he had fun with this dog. She is big but just one year old with a lot of energy.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

North Sea

As it was close by, they drove to the beach after visiting oceanarium. It was so windy but the kids had fun playing with the water.

Cute seals

Favourite animal of the day was these seals. They were very cute. It was so nice to be able to see them up close like this.

Big fish tank

There was this huge fish tank with stingray, shark, and fish.

Fishing crabs again

There was a place to fish crabs so they tried it. It was not very difficult but not easy either. They fished with clams as bait. Last time it was sausage. Shortly after this photo, Coco-chan slipped into the water and got all wet. Luckily Pinga packed change of clothes. When they came back from the car, Momo-chan was walking all wet. Yes, he fell to the water as well. The important lesson of the day... Don't walk on the moss!

The North Sea oceanarium

They drove to Hirtshals to visit the oceanarium. They got to see seals mealtime twice. It was impressive to see them follow instructions and turn, raise hand, etc.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Zipline fun

They went to a nearby playground. It is similar to Swedish ones but a bit more wild how it works in terms of zipline. You really need to hold on tight at the end otherwise it could end up badly. Anyways, there were no accident and they had fun.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

After a while...

Girls and Coco-chan Lost interest and there were just these two guys working on fishing crabs. Good job Momo-chan and his friend's dad!

Crab fishing

They went to Fjöldbyen to see interesting houses. Their friends called it Christiania of Aalborg. After that, they did crab fishing. They caught five kind of big crabs.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


QP-chan is not feeling well so staying home with Pinga. Pingu went over to their friends with the rest of the kids and they decided to visit a cute village by the fjord called Sebbersund. The kids had fun by the water side and splashed around.

Big snail

Momo-chan found this large snail while they were out walking. After holding it in his hands for a while, he set it free by letting it climb onto this tree.

Huge garden

They are staying in an air bnb place outside Aalborg. The place itself is not big but the garden which we are ok to use is absolutely huge with swings, trampoline etc. There are apple trees and a lot of rhubarbs so they made a rhubarb pie.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Reunion with old friend

Momo-chan was happy to see his favorite friend from his daycare time. They have grown so much! Twins like Momo-chan's best friend too.

Hello Denmark!

After 3 hours being on the ferry, they finally saw Denmark outside of the window. It was around 9:30 pm. The ferry has kids corner and game corner so they enjoyed it more than Pibga thought they would.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Bumper cars

They were at Liseberg amusement park today. Twins were happy to find this attraction as they remembered it from Tivoli.

After dinner

As they haven't done much other than sitting in the car and watching TV, they went out to the playground after dinner.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Arrived in Gothenburg

They travelled from Lund to Gothenburg to visit Liseberg. Here is Coco-chan saying the lamp at thee hotel room is beautiful.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Scout camp return

Momo-chan arrived back tonight after being away for a full week at scout camp. He had fun but was quite home sick and called home almost every day.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Hello moose!

They drove to SkĂĄne animal park again today. They got to see moose this time. They are tall!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Trip to Anderslöv

Pibga joined her friends for a lunch trip to Anderslöv. Everytime she meets her friend, she learns about Scania history and this time was no exception. He told her about the main road between Malmö and Ystad.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Feeding red dear

When they were heading towards entrance, they came across red dear and the staff was feeding it with different kinds of vegetables. Twins helped throwing in some vegetables.

Hello bears

It was warm and bears were tired.

SkĂĄne animal park

It was twins first time to visit SkĂĄne animal park. As the weather was unexpectedly good, there were very many people in the park.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Birthday party

Twins were invited to a birthday party at their daycare friend home. There were treasure hunt and balloons to take home. Twins said it was a lot of fun.

Tuesday morning

After Pinga woke up, Inez came to the bed and three of them were sleeping together like this. Pibga had to wake them up so that they'd make it to daycare in time.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Miniature hamburgers in the make

Twins and Momo-chan like these kits to make miniature food. This time, twins made miniature hamburgers and French fries.