Saturday, December 30, 2023

Ice skating in Malmö

They went to Malmö to meet their friends and did ice skating together. It was much bigger than Lund link and a lot of fun. Here's the movie:

Friday, December 29, 2023

Glasses stand

QP-chan called Pinga happily and showed this to her. You can put your glasses here, she said. Very nice!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas illumination

They had a lot of fun and stayed until late. So they could see Christmas illumination.

Tivoli with Japanese school friends

They went to Tivoli in Copenhagen today. There were there when it's opened at 11. There was a queue to enter but it wasn't so crowded inside. Then it became more and more people towards the late afternoon.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas day with cousins

Twins and Pinga visited Pingu's sister's family. Twins had fun playing with their cousin and they also recorded presents.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Big Christmas tree

They left after listing to the choir and psalms for half an hour. They took a bus and got home.

Choir singing at the Cathedral

They went to the Cathedral to hear choir singing. There were so many people and couldn't find seats.

Activity watch

Presents from Santa were activity watch called Bounce. It can do different things like count steps, play games, set an alarm, also make a call after fixing subscriptions.

Presents from Santa

Here are twins opening presents from Santa Claus. They were sp excited and opened them before the breakfast.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Stormy weather

It was quite windy and sometimes snowed today. Pinga decided to walk to work as it was scary to bike. Here you can see that the snow is coming diagonal.

Last day of school

It was the last day of school before the year ends. They received a present from their teachers. It was quiz and puzzle papers.

Leo's playland

Twins were at the Leo's playland for their friend's birthday party. Here are twins posing at the entrance together with Leo the lion.

Gingerbread house completed

So here's the house. It was completed in not so long time. They were very focused.

Decoration time

The last part was to decorate the house. Here's Coco-chan writing "GOD" and then QP-chan did "Jul" the other side. God Jul = Merry Christmas 

Gingerbread house

Twins have been wanting to build the gingerbread house so they were happy to finally do this.

Shopping helpers?!

After saying good by at the station, they went shopping. Twins were not very helpful fighting to he a space in the shopping cart...

Leaving for Tokyo

It's time for Momo-chan and Pingu to leave for Tokyo. Twins were a bit sad that they were leaving.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

This many gingerbreads

They made this many gingerbreads. They were much more tastier than the ones sold at a store.

Gingerbread baking time

They had a friend over in the afternoon. She came with the gingerbread dough. They made very many gingerbreads.

Smiley toast

QP-chan found a hole in her toast. Then she made two more holes and it looked like this. Pinga asked her to do the same face.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Football practice

It was this year's last football practice for twins. There was a match against parents and they beat the parents with 4-2. Good job, kids! Pinga has a broken or fractured pinky toe so she couldn't take part.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Santa Lucia day

It's Santa Lucia celebration day today. It's celebrated with these saffran buns and of course the song.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Football practice

After the Japanese school, there was a football practice for twins. They were happy that it was indoor. Can you find Coco-chan in yellow vest and QP-chan in orange vest?

After the school

Japanese school is renting a space from the German school. It is very centrally located, just one stop from the Copenhagen central station. Here are the twins playing while walking to the nearest station.

Ice cream for breakfast?!

They went to a kiosk to get a hotdog for QP-chan. She changed her mind and said that she wanted an ice cream. Then Coco-chan followed and said "I want that too." Pinga ended up buying ice cream. They were happily eating them on the way to Copenhagen.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Aikido certificates

Twins cane back home happily from Aikido and showed these certificates to Pinga. They asked her to read it. Good job, twins!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Christmas crafts

When Pinga went to pick the twins up, they were doing Christmas crafts. QP-chan was colouring and Coco-chan was making an advent calendar.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Big snow ball

Coco-chan went out to make this big snow ball. He was tired bringing this back from the nearby field.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

To the school

It's not easy biking to school as the small paths are not cleared.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Alfred Nobel

Here's QP-chan showing the picture of Alfred Nobel she drew. They know well about Nobel and the prize he set up.

Varnissage: Open classroom

Twins school had open classroom so Pinga went to check how they are doing. Here is Coco-chan showing what he created.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Aikido lesson

Monday is Aikido for twins. Here they are happy after the lesson.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Pomander balls

Twins made these pomander balls. They are oranges decorated with cloves.

Candle dipping

There was this candle station where you could make your candles from scratch. You needed to walk around and dip many times to make the candles thicker.

Ice skating at the square

Twins were happy that the ice skating link was finally opened. They didn't slate a lot and went back to the scout event.

Scout's Christmas event

They went to Momo-chan's scout event. It was crowded with many people. You could buy Christmas drinks, sweets, and do Christmas crafts.

Saturday, December 2, 2023


Mjaugiskt = magical saffran buns. Pinga had to take this photo as it was too cute.

Morning gathering 朝礼

Can you find QP-chan in this photo? Coco-chan went for friend's birthday party and absent from the Japanese school today. QP-chan enjoyed learning and meeting friends.

Sleeping together

Twins were tired after the party, Japanese school, football practice, etc. When Pinga checked on them, they were sleeping together like this.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Advent calendar

The kids were happy to receive chocolate advent calendars. Today's chocolate was shaped in a squirrel.

Countdown to Christmas

It's first of December. So the countdown to Christmas starts. When Pinga went to pick twins up at school, QP-chan was making part of the advent candles.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Snowing heavily

It was snowing in the morning but not heavily. When Pinga went to pick twins up, it was snowing heavily and she had hard time looking ahead.

Let's bike home

It was around 4:30 pm but they needed to turn on bike lights as it was already getting dark. It was snowing heavily.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Heavy snow in Malmö

It was snowing much in Malmö. And the trains were not moving like they should be.

What's in the stomach?!

Coco-cham was taking out Robalin. It was cold so he put Robalin underneath his clothes so tht he would be warm. Thoughtfulness Coco-chan ❤️

Pregnant Coco-chan?!

Coco-chan came back home with this big stomach. What happened?

Overall QP-chan

Just like yesterday, it's very cold with minus 5-8C. So twins had overalls on.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Pingu's birthday

It's Pingu's birthday. Pinga bought his favourite apple meringue cake. They enjoyed it together.

The boy and the heron 君たちはどう生きるか

The movie was two hours long but they had no problems sitting and watching. Coco-chan found it interesting but QP-chan thought it was so so.

On the bus

They were on their way to downtown Lund to see a movie they decided to take their favourite friends, Robalin and Dragon-chan.