Friday, March 31, 2023

Doraemon movie

Day two in Tokyo started with saying hello to the teachers at twins school. Then they head to Ikebukuro for movie. Twins said it was a very good movie. Pinga was surprised how few the audience were at the movie theatre. Maybe 15 people in total or something like that.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Sushi lunch

Their plan was to have tempura lunch but the tempura place was too busy so it became sushi lunch instead. Here's QP-chan enjoying kids sushi.


They started their stay in Tokyo with cherry blossom watching. It was already passed its prime but still lots of flowers blooming.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Keisei skyliner

They had omusubi on the train from Narita airport to Bueno station. Coco-chan wanted to eat another one. When they met Pinga's parents, Pinga's mom had another salmon omusubi. Perfect!

Moomin cafe

It was unfortunately closed but they could still take photos.

At Helsinki airport

Twins had a lot of energy in Helsinki. They shared cheeseburger meal at Burger King and then checked out Marimekko and Moomin shop.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Boarding flight to Helsinki

It's their first time flying with Finnair.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Winter again?

It snowed two days in a row in Lund. It's snowing a lot on the way home after meeting the cats.

Come here Kitten!

Hello babies

They went to Momo-chan's friend's home to meet baby kittens. There were mama cat and five babies. They were so friendly and cute.

Nerf guns

Momo-chan's friend came for a birthday party. They had fun running around with nerf guns.

Cool treats

As Pinga drove wrong, they stopped at McDonald's to see if there's QP-chan's missing mitten. No, they didn't have it but they got to eat cool sweet treats.

Badminton fun

Twins has many activities on Sundays. Badminton is one of them. Here's Coco-chan jumping at the end of the badminton session.

Happy birthday Momo-chan

Momo-chan became a teenager this Saturday! Pinga asked what he wanted to eat and he said Temaki zushi. So he was happy with temaki zushi lunch. He likes salmon and tarako (cod raw) a lot.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Graduation and entry ceremony

After the lessons, there was a graduation and entry ceremony of elementary school and junior high school. Pinga was in a committee to organize this ceremony and yes, it was a lot of preparation. Can you see Coco-chan in a blue t-shirt sitting next to his teacher?

Last day of Japanese school

It was the last year of grade 1 for twins today. They seem to have enjoyed the school a lot. Now they are looking forward to going to Tokyo and school over there.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Good morning Momo-chan and Inez

Pinga went to wake Momo-chan up and found Inez as well.

Rainy week

Here are twins arrived at school. It rained everyday this week. But the temperature is higher and the wind is not that cold.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Origami teacher QP-chan

QP-chan likes to teach things to her friends. First, she was demonstrating and coaching how to do cartwheel, then she was teaching origami. Good job, QP-chan.

Candies are not good for the teeth

This is Coco-chan's painting. It says "Candies are not good for the teeth." Quite right!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Dinner time

After being in the queue for a while, they got to eat. Coco-chan chose fish and chips and QP-chan, meatballs. They enjoyed french fries a lot. Both of them were not interested in green peas. QP-chan ordered it without lingonberry jam.

Long queue at Ikea restaurant

Ikea is doing Tuesday campaign. If you order warm dishes, you just need to pay half price. There were so many people making long queues.

Sloth by QP-chan

This week's theme is sloth at QP-chan's class'. This is what QP-chan drew.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Inez by the window

Pinga came back home nad found Inez looking out the window. It's been rainy all day but the temperature went up and felt a bit like spring.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Birthday party

They had a birthday part with Pingu siblings today. It was supposed to be last week but became today because of Pinga's emergency visit. Here are happy twins blowing candles. Bought cake was delicious but the chocolate cake Pingu baked was popular too.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Artist QP-chan

Pinga thought they are very cute but she couldn't figure out which animal it is. Can you guess which animal?

It's a mouse!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Another tooth came out

Well, it didn't really come out. Momo-chan pulled it out. But he said it was not painful. Can you see it's the tooth from his lower right?

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Mango tiramisu

After bathing was dessert time. Momo-chan and QP-chan liked mango tiramisu but Coco-chan and Pinga liked raspberry tiramisu more.

Little kitchen helpers

Here are twins helping Pinga making mango tiramisu. They did good job!

Hello guinea pigs

Momo-chan and Pinga visited their old friends place as they had a birthday party. They have two guinea pigs and Momo-chan was happy to meet them. Momo-chan played chess with his friend.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Peruvian lunch

Pinga received this Peruviane lunch at work. One of the master's thesis students is from Peru and he prepared lunch for Pinga and one more colleague. They were surprised that he cooked a three-course meal! Starter was Papa a la Huancaina. The dishes were vegan as he is vegan. They were tasty. Next week, Pinga will prepare vegan lunch for them.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Time for haircut

After dinner, Pinga cut QP-chan's hair shorter. It was too long and easy to get tangled. This is the photo of her before cutting.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Snowy morning

They woke up to the white world this morning. Totoro went out but he just went under the car.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Homework QP-chan

Pinga succeeded to make QP-chan work on the homework this evening. She writes kanji very neatly. If only she has more will to work on homework, Pinga sighs...

Twins birthday party

Twins had lots of fun at their birthday party. Pingu booked a gym hall at one of the local school. They invited all the kids from their classes and over 30 kids came to the party.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Candy hair accessories

After the school, they went to their friend's birthday party. They came back happily with candy bags and QP-chan set these long red ones to her hair and then eating.

Playing Shogi

As usual, twins were at the Japanese school in Copenhagen. As the way to think strategically, they are taught to play Shogi. It's like Japanese version of chess.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Frosty morning

It was minus 3C degrees today as well. It has been that cold three days in a row. Here are twins biking to their school. It starts at 8:20.