Thursday, August 29, 2024

Bathing in the ocean

As it was 28C degrees today, they drove to Bjärred. There were many many cars and difficult to park. But it was good to be in the cold water. They say it would get colder next week...

Monday, August 26, 2024

Inez and QP-chan

QP-chan is good at holding cats, dogs, Robarin, etc. Here's QP-chan holding Inez.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Street festival

There was a street festival on their street. Each family prepares one dish and one dessert. Here's Coco-chan very happy with different kinds of chocolate cakes.

Football match

They were up early to make it to the match. The gathering was at 7:30 and the match for Coco-chan started at 8. Here's Coco-chan playing.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Yoyo fishing

Twins had fun with yoyo fishing at their friend's birthday party. It wasn't easy sometimes and many kids didn't succeed and tried another time.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Homework Coco-chan

Twins were working hard on homework for the Japanese school. Even though he worked everyday from Monday, not all of the homework was done. But QP-chan finished everything this week.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

At nephrology department

Coco-chan came for a checkup at the kids nephrology department this afternoon. The values were all good but the doctor suggested blood exam. So he got his finger pricked by the needle. He didn't complain but said it was painful afterwards.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Football ⚽ practice

Wednesday is football practice for twins. Today, they separated girls and played a mini match. Here's QP-chan just about to shoot and it was a goal!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Second grade

Twins started the second grade today. They have the same classmates and the teachers.

First day of school

In Lund, school started today. Momo-chan started the 7th grade and goes to a different school now. Here's CoCo leaving to school by bike.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Temakizushi dinner

Coco-chan wanted to eat sushi so Pinga prepared temakizushi. QP-chan likes umeboshi and cucumber roll. Coco-chan loves Japanese sweet egg. Momo-chan makes different kind of rolls.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Pride week in Copenhagen

Pinga took a walk to this square expecting that there was a flea market. Bit there wasn't. Instead, there were preparations going on for the pride parade.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Leo's playland

Twins had fun with their cousin at the Leo's playland today. They were so sweaty running around. Here's the movie of QP-chan.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sunny and warm day

Here are twins just arrived at school on the morning. It went up to 28C. Coco-chan brought bathing pants and played with water with friends.

Wow, Chubacka!

The kids found Chubacka and Ariel at the kids area. They got a photo momento. Nice!

At Malmö festival

They went to the Malmö festival. At the kids area, there was a circus. It was quite impressive.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Inez and the bird

Coco-chan called Pinga as he found a dead bird at the entrance. Then there was Inez. It was most likely Inez who did this. But she was just looking at it as if she didn't know anything about it.

Monday, August 12, 2024

In Malmö

Three of them went to Malmö to have lunch while QP-chan was at the school care. They had noodle lunch and took a walk to the Malmö festival kids site.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Good apetite Coco-chan

Coco-chan ate the most. He liked rolling the egg and cucumber.

Temakizushi dinner

Responding to the request from Coco-chan, Pinga prepared temakizushi. They enjoyed it a lot. Twins liked Japanese egg roll a lot.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Touch, Astrid!

Their friend's Schnauzer is well-trained and kids friendly. Here's QP-chan telling her to touch her hand.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

To the beach

They visited their friend at her summer house. As it's close to the sea, they walked there to bathe. It was nice with 27C degrees.

Kämpinge beach

They biked to the beach. There were a lot of people but they were at a spot where there were not so many people. They had fun.

Wild strawberries

They went to visit Pinga's friend in Höllviken. They had wild strawberries in the garden and Coco-chan got excited and picked these.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Arild again

They went to Arild to see their friends and relatives. It was raining heavily but they could find a moment to take a walk. Pingu's brother got the twins ice creams. Very nice!

Pizza lunch

They went to Momo-chan's favorite pizzeria for late lunch. They were happy with their pizzas.

Hammock time

Momo-chan and Coco-chan went to central Lund for lunch and a bit of park time. They couldn't do bouncy ball but there were these hammocks.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Big schnitzel lunch

They went to an Austrian furniture store. At the restaurant, they ordered this big schnitzel. No, Coco-chan didn't eat it himself but shared it with Pinga.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Mini golf

After lunch, they went to play mini-golf. Some of the holes were difficult and kids lost their calm at times but they did well including some hole in ones. But in the end, twins started fighting and they stopped playing at the 15th hole and didn't complete all 18 holes.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Double hiyoko 🐥

They opened a box of Japanese sweets after dinner. There were these baby chicken jelly and sweet with bean paste. Kids were more excited with the jellies.