Thursday, March 13, 2025

Homework with Inez

QP-chan got bored with the homework and went to fetch Inez. Inez didn't mind and stayed on her lap for a while.

Foggy evening

Pinga and Pingu went to pick twins up from the scout. Coco-chan decided to take a bus with Pinga and QP-chan, bike with Pingu. It was foggy and mysterious on the way home. While they were on the bus, Pingu called and said they got hit by a car. They were ok with just a damage to the bike but Pinga was very concerned.

Tea lover Coco-chan

Twins cane back from outdoor football practice. Coco-chan asked for tea so Pinga made it with honey. Coco-chan was happy like this.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Momo-chan and Inez

Momo-chan was at home as his school was closed for teachers development day. Pinga found Inez cuddles up like this with Momo-chan.

Open day at Kulturskolan

Twins cane back to Lund quickly from Copenhagen as they wanted to go to the open house at the culture school. They tried out oboe, guitar and drums. Here's Coco-chan trying oboe.

Homework QP-chan

It's Friday. So QP-chan was working hard with the remaining homework for the Japanese school. Good job, QP-chan!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Doll's festival ひな祭り

Third of March is fools festival.

Wednesday= football practice ⚽

It was windy and cold but twins ran around in the Football field. They said it wasn't thet cold. But for Pinga who wasn't running around, it was cold.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bowling after school

Twins went bowling after the school with their classmates. They had fun. Coco-chan got a strike once.

Soroban twins

Twins learned how to use soroban at the Japanese school. Pinga was there to watch the math class and it was interesting for her too.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Birthday celebration

They've invited relatives to celebrate twins' birthday. Unfortunately some people were sick and couldn't come but twins had fun with their cousins.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Twins birthday

Twins turned bibe today. Here they are happy with the birthday presents in the morning. Then they ate waffles a mnd went to school.

Making igloo

Because of the fog, they didn't go skiing. Twins were working hard with making igloo. Pingu and Pinga enjoyed sauna at the apartment.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Kex chocolate challenge

Just like in Åre, there was a quiz challenge on the slopes. Pingu and Momo-chan worked hard and finished six questions. So they went to receive the rewards today.

Sking with a dpg

Pinga found this guy doing Nordic skiing with his dog. Yesterday, she saw a man with two dogs. Coco-chan thought it's adorable too.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Valle's show

Twins and Pinga went to check out Valle's show today. It was cold but there were many people waiting for the show to begin. It lasted for half an hour and they enjoyed it. Usually, it's QP-chan who dances along but it was just Coco-chan who danced with them this morning. QP-chan was saying that it was cold.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Guess where we are?

Yes, we are in Sälen.

Minus 5C and sunny

It was cold but sunny in Sälen. Momo-chan now can ride a T-bar lift with twins. Pinga was impressed by Momo-chan growing to be a good skier and a big brother.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Arrived in Sälen

After four hours of driving from Karlstad, they reached Sälen. They quickly changed and went out to ski. It was around 16.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Tired QP-chan

Twins wanted to watch the song contest, Melodifestivalen. It started at 8pm and ended at 9:30. QP-chan was still having cold and fell asleep before 9 on the sofa.

Fever free QP-chan

QP-chan has no fever this morning. That's excellent as they leave for skiing trip today. Here are happy twins jumping.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's day

Coco-chan gave this colourful paper heart he made at school when he came back. He made Pinga happy. And he showed her a card from his favourite friend. It seemed like he had a good day. Bit QP-chan was still at home with fever...

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Ice cream stick house

Coco-chan came back home with this house for his hedgehog stuffed animal. Good job Coco-chan for his creative work.

Sick QP-chan

QP-chan got sick during Tuesday night and woke up with 39C degrees fever. Poor QP-chan. Inez wanted to be with her like this.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

New year party

Pinga and the kids went to the new year party by Japanese association of Skåne. It started off with speeches and then this Iai demonstration. Not only the kids bit Pinga was curious.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Flat tire fixing

It was Pingu's second time removing this tire and putting it back on this week. Let's hope it is really fixed this time.

Birthday dinner for Pinga

Pingu prepared a surprise birthday dinner. It was at an Asian fusion restaurant in Copenhagen. The dishes were delicious and the service was  friendly.

Lego flowers

Twins got a trial package of Lego flowers. So they tried it at once. It says 9+ but they did it with no problems and quite quickly.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Yearly checkup for QP-chan

Qp-chan has special condition for one of her toe nails. So they need to check on it periodically. QP-chan and Pinga were at the skin doctor this morning. They said it looks good and they'll call her in a year. That's a relief.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


As Coco-chan felt better and went ro school, they did Setsubun event. Here's damon Coco-chan.

Ski boot doesn't come off

Momo-chan finished school at lunchtime. So they had lunch at a restaurant and then went to borrow ski and boots. When he was trying ski boots, one of the hooks got stacked. So they asked staff for help and a guy came with a screwdriver and got the screw off. Phew.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Unicorn QP-chan ready for Melodifestivalen

Here's unicorn QP-chan ready to leave for her friend's place to watch the TV program, Melodifestivalen. It is a contest to choose Swedish artist to represent Sweden for Eurovision Song Contest. Coco-chan and Pinga watched it at home too. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Yawning Totoro

Pinga is working from home these days. Totoro cones by hoping to het Pinga's attention. When Pinga was going to take his photo, he yawned. Doesn't he look like a tiger in this photo?

Drawing app

QP-chan wanted to try this drawing app for iPad. She did great job with it.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Sick Coco-chan and Inez

Coco-chan still has a high fever. He was resting on the sofa and Inez was lying near by like this.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sick Coco-chan

Coco-chan started to have fever Monday evening. He had high fever during the night too. He stayed home and slept a lot today.

Where's Momo-chan?

They went to their friends place for some board games. Before the games, Momo-chan was buried under those cushions.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

New dress for QP-chan

QP-chan was happy trying on clothes that she received from family friends. She especially liked this dress.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Leaving for scouts

Here are twins in their scout shirts. They put on warm clothes on top and biked with Pingu to downtown Lund.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Matching knit hats

Twins received these matching knit hats from Pinga's best friend in Tokyo. They like to wear them.

Carpenter room QP-chan

QP-chan loves to create things. When Pinga went to pick twins up, she was at a carpenter room working on this sofa project. She also made a football court.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Fluffy work companion

When Pinga is working at home, usually Totoro Cole by abd say hello. He likes to watch outside like this. It was cold with minus 5C degrees in the morning.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Cozy Inez

Inez is a cozy cat. Whenever someone sits on a sofa, she comes next to that person or sit on the lap. Cute!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Floor ball Coco-chan

When Pinga went to pick twins up at school, Coco-chan was playing floor ball with his friends. Here's Coco-chan aiming for the goal.

Happy together

Momo-chan and Pinga cane back from Tokyo. They went to pick twins up at school.