Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crooked rail in Tokyo

Pinga's friend took this photo of this crooked railway. You can see what kind of impact the earthquake had... We are hoping for the best for the people in north east Japan.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Presents from Stockholm

Momo-chan received birthday presents from Pingu's father, his wife and Pingu's sister today. As usual, he was very interested in ribbons and wrapping papers.


And then a minute later, he started to throw them. He is in a stage that is fun to throw everything.

Momo-chan crawling!

After a couple of days trying Momo-chan can now crawl forward! Just a few days after his 1-year birthday! Now it is time for me to be scared and hide since Momo-chan is more mobile.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy birthday Momo-chan

Momo-Chan became one year old today. He got his fourth tooth today too. He was happy hiding behind the curtain but if you are there I cannot come to sharpen my crows.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

6 gets eaten

Momo-chan ate this playing card while Pingu was in the shower. 6 nimmt is the game name and he ate card number 6, is this a sign?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ribbon and Momo-chan

I like ribbons and strings and so is Momo-chan. He got a present from Pinga's friend who came for an afternoon tea. He was enjoying the ribbon and the wrapping paper almost more than t present itself. The present was a picture book with Dumbo.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Juggler's balls

Momo-chan went to friends' place for afternoon tea. While Pingu and Pinga were happy with tasty carrot cake Momo-chan was happy with those balls. He was throwing them in many directions. Good that I was not there.

Monday, March 14, 2011

From stomach to sitting up

Momo-chan is learning new things. Here he shows off his move where he gets off his stomach and gets up into a sitting pose. Well done!

Momo-chan reading

Momo-chan was inspired by Pingu and wanted to read a book. It seems he reads in the Japanese (at the back of the book from a western standpoint).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another bath

Momo-chan usually gets a bath every three days or so. The bath basin from IKEA is somewhat small but Momo-chan does not complain. He usually enjoys it even if Pinga is being a paparazzi.

Third tooth on its way!

Momo-chan is getting his third tooth. Still he seems in good mood and not much drooling. This pose must not be comfortable but it is so hard to get the tooth on camera. Sorry Momo-chan!

Spinning and gliding

Momo-chan is moving around quite a bit these days. This is a how it can be. Momo-chan turns a lot and then oushes himself across the floor. Since he is moving backwards he sometimes gets stuck and needs help.

I have the garlic!

Momo-chan is making a speech and it seems that the garlic is of great importance. I wish I could understand.

Empty shelves in Tokyo 空っぽの棚

Pinga received this photo of the empty bread shelf from her friend in Tokyo. People are stocking up on rice, bread, meat, tofu, water, etc. after the earthquake and there is nothing on the shelves at supermarkets. Pinga's friend also mentioned that there will be electricity cut for about 7 hours tomorrow. Less trains are running because of the electricity shortage. We are worried about the situation in Japan.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kinect sports

Pinga played this game with her colleagues after work. There are many kinds of sports such as soccer, table tennis, beach volleyball and bowling. These guys are doing boxing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Isak the rabbit

Momo-chan met a rabbit for his first time. This Isak is a special kind of rabbit which is called lion rabbit. If was very curious about this rabbit just like he is interested in me. I wonder if he could tell cats from rabbits.