Saturday, September 8, 2012

In cat heaven

Dear readers, I am sorry for the silence on the blog this past week. The reason for this silence is that on Monday September 3rd I passed away and went to cat heaven.

My kidneys was no longer functioning and during about one week I lost 1 kilo in body weight. I was dehydrated and did not have much energy. Pingu and Pinga became very worried and took me to the vet. I stayed at the hospital for 1,5 days and got nutrision intravenously. I started eating again at the hospital and we were all hoping for the best even though the blood test came back with extremely bad kidney values.

Back at home last week I stopped eating again and became skinny and dehydrated again just after a couple of days. The doctor's said that the best was to let me go to sleep since kidney failure is not something you can recover from.

Goodbye friends! It has been a very nice 14 years being alive and doing fun stuff. It is very sad that I can not there with you and enjoy everybody's company but I am still around watching all of you from cat heaven. Goodbye for now!

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