Monday, April 23, 2007

Sakura in Lund

This is a bit late but I would like to mention that even in Lund it is possible to witness nice cherry blossoms. Unfortunately there are not so many in one place like in Tokyo. At least that is what Pingu tells me. I can't really be bothered with trees and flowers anyway. Too much smell and I just sneeze.

The weather in Lund is getting pretty warm again. It was more than 20 C a week ago and it will be similar weather the next couple of days. That is good because Pingu is forcing me to go out. I really don't want to go out except for not needing to use that god damn cat box. It sometimes get's stinky when I need to go so I think Pingu and Pinga also prefers that I go outside for those errands.

Now its nap time again. Catch you later!

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